juan juan.g71 at
Sat Feb 4 19:41:37 PST 2017

On Sat, 04 Feb 2017 16:48:22 -0500
Anti Fag <antifag at> wrote:

> >BUENOS AIRES — Argentina is so used to celebrating immigration as a
> >cornerstone of society that a 19th-century saying — to govern is to
> >populate — remains in use to this day.

	I'd bet a couple of cents that the journos who wrote that don't
	have a clue about the origin of the quote. It is not a 'saying'.

	There are and were fake libertarians everywhere and 19th
	century argentine fake libertarians were among the best in the
	world. Or at least the most fraudulent ones.

	One of the leading fake libertarians was this lawyer called
	alberdi, who wote something titled 

	"Bases y puntos de partida para la organización política de la
	República de Argentina" - something like : foundations for
	organzing the argentine republic. (the psycho-scumbag was one of
	the authors of the 1853 constitution)

	The book has lots of nuggets, but here's one of the most

	"Poblar es civilizar cuando se puebla con gente civilizada, es
	decir, con pobladores de la Europa civilizada. Por eso he
	dicho en la Constitución que el gobierno debe fomentar la
	inmigración europea. Pero poblar no es civilizar, sino
	embrutecer, cuando se puebla con chinos y con indios de Asia y
	con negros de África. Poblar es apestar, corromper, degenerar,
	envenenar un país, cuando en vez de poblarlo con la flor de la
	población trabajadora de Europa, se le puebla con la basura de
	la Europa atrasada o menos culta." 

	"to populate [a country] is to make it civilized, if the
	immigrants are civilized, that is, if they are people from
	civilized europe. That's why I said in the constitution that the
	government must promote european immigration. But populating
	doesn't entail civilizing but instead dulling and making
	brutish if the immigrants are chinese and 'indians' from asia
	and blacks from africa. Populating means to foul up, to corrupt,
	to make degenerate, to poison a country if instead of
	populating it with the best of the working european stock
	it is populated with the garbage from backwards and less
	cultivated (regions of) europe."

	Yep, I'm not making that up. And as a matter of fact, the
	argentine constitution still says 

	"Articulo 25o.- El Gobierno federal fomentara la inmigracion
	europea;"  govt will promote immigration from europe




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