USA: National Security Strategy, Juan's Wet Dream -- OFF-TOPIC (James Donald is a creep)

jamesd at jamesd at
Thu Dec 28 22:03:27 PST 2017

On 12/28/2017 10:42 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> I would *never* ask for any murder.

You don't say "Kill Jim".  You say you are terribly sad that I have this 
terrible mental disease that makes it regrettably necessary to kill me.

Which makes you very sad </sarcasm>

> Why the heck do you think I am a
> veggie since my earlier years?  Because I was a hipster, being veggie
> before it becomes hype, very cool?  Hahahaha!!!  ;D

Veganism has been cool for a very long time.  Indeed, the lies on 
saturated fat were manufactured back in the forties to give "scientific" 
endorsement to veganism, much as the lies on anthropogenic global 
warming were manufactured to give "scientific" endorsement to demonizing 
the technological and industrial civilization that white people created.

Indeed, veganism has recently ceased to be cool, has fallen out of 
fashion, which made it possible for scientists to notice that saturated 
fat is actually rather healthy.

The next fashion is going to be buying a young pig, killing it oneself, 
washing it down with caustic potash to remove the hair, shaving it 
oneself, gutting it oneself, and throwing a big party around the intact 
pig, with head and legs all together so it still looks like an animal, 
roasting on a spit over hot coals.  For organic trendiness, everyone 
will have lots of ice cold extra fizzy recently fermented high alcohol 
Kombucha while waiting for the roasting to finish and the pig to be 
served, plus some beer, coke and mountain dew for those who are not so 

Further, there are no strict vegans, only vegans that eat vegetables 
plus milk, cheese, and eggs. The strict vegans are just status 
posturing.  Strict veganism will make you sick or kill you, and will 
result in an uncontrollable raging hunger for steak, bacon, fried 
chicken, and so on and so forth.  Humans are obligate omnivores.  We 
don't have to eat veggies, though it is difficult to go without.  We do 
have to eat animals, or at least eat milk, cheese, and eggs in place of 
animals.  It is impossible to go without, and anyone who says they do 
without is just plain lying.

> I do *not* support any death.  And, sorry, if you were not informed
> about it, the life of cows, pigs, chickens, cats, dogs, koalas, and
> several other animals, is *not* more important than *any human life*,
> including yours.

And yet you appear to believe, and enthusiastically endorse, tall tales 
that, if true, would justify killing me, and indeed killing Christians, 
whites, and males, would make killing me, people like me, and people 
vaguely resembling me, justifiable self defense.

Presumably you would not oppose killing a mad dog that was attacking 
you, and you identify noticing politically incorrect facts about reality 
as being a mad dog who attacks you, and declare that Christians, whites, 
and males are horribly prone to this terrible mad dog disease.

Which makes you very sad </sarcasm>

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