[from offlist] Re: Juan-fap go bye-bye now...

Razer g2s at riseup.net
Thu Aug 31 18:41:51 PDT 2017

On 08/31/2017 11:07 AM, \0xDynamite wrote:
>> And because I KNOW YOU'RE IGNORANT, I must mention the so-called "Old
>> Testament" is a CHRISTIAN biblical text.
> What makes you think that?
> \0xd

ROTF! I "Think that" because I spent three years at an after-school
Hebrew class until my Bar Mitzvah, and went with my parents and
grandparents to various orthodox, conservative, and reform synagogues at
least once a month from the time I was 7 or so until I was 14... There
are no "Old Testaments" at Synagogues.

Your turn. What makes you think the alleged 'old' testament is of Judaic
origin, or is even correct regarding 'tales told about days of yore',
when compared to the Talmud and affiliated passed-down teachings?


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