Bitcoin Blockchain Has Been Forked (New: BitcoinCash UAHF)

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Aug 2 15:04:39 PDT 2017

>> One cant't
>> just wish a new DC validity and valuation upon people from the FSM,
> DC = digital cash, FSM = finite state machine?
>> one has to work for or exchange into a currency. No, that happens
>> validly everywhere, online/internet, interpersonal barter, etc.
> This doesn't make sense.

The flying spaghetti monster doesn't just drop [a] viable and valuable
coin on you, you have to mine/trade/buy/work into owning some.

Although people now are begining to experiment with various forms
of airdrops such as AUR in Iceland, and ACT/BTX/GBYTE/XLM/WCX ...

Even faucets / benevolents are evolving into devices for change...

> No, that's not how it's done, policy-wise.

Whichever way it's done, old oil and fiat are become too much of a
political game of texas holdem for many to play, thus rise of new DC game.

>>> Bitcoin should devise a way to tie itself to
>>> CREATIVE works and produce more bitcoin (to prevent inflation) when
>>> more creative works are produced.
>> aka: Mining, though it's asymptotic, approaching valuation of
>> demand, as a currency should be.
> Yes, how can you do that with fixed-quantity currency?

Mining and other ops are a (or the) tied creative works (particularly
that allows
a currency to move), mining and tx verification activity are paid. Tx fees,
plus the intrinsic variables of a DC, plus the market work to always
reward the work, both pre and post mining of the fixed quantity.

> The ABSOLUTE best application of BitCoin is for the implementation of
> World Game credits, whose very purpose is to CLEANSE the old-money
> system and output a completely CLEAN money, free of all karma of
> history.  See <>.

It's clear that old-money views such cleansing and DC's as intolerable
ethnic crime against themselves (bankers, politics and cronies).

Perhaps this time these new "criminals" will win.

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