Adding [Cypherpunks] at the beginning of a subject by default

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Sat Apr 29 00:41:02 PDT 2017

On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 05:37:38PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 01:41:46AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> > No, the real standard in use decades before the masses fucked up
> > the internet is to use a capable mailer and capable filters and conform
> > yourself to the awesome. If you're getting too much mail, turn it into not
> > much mail with neomutt,
> In Debian and derivatives, I think this is called notmuch-mutt

THE most AWESOME mutt color scheme imaginable, with nested gradations of
mostly gray, to easily identify the threads in threads :)

color normal      black white

color indicator   black color123 # arrow or bar to indicate current menu
color markers     brightred white # + wrapping markers
color tree        red white # thread tree

color hdrdefault  color243 color252 # message headers

color header      color4   color195 ^From:
color header      color4   color195 ^To:
color header      color20  color159 ^Cc:
color header      color20  color159 ^Bcc:
color header      color238 color14 ^Reply-To:
color header      color19  color153 ^Date:
color header      color19  color153 ^Subject:

color body        brightred white [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
color body        brightblue white

color quoted      color0 color252
color quoted1     color0 color249
color quoted2     color0 color246
color quoted3     color0 color74 # bluish

color quoted4     color7 color244
color quoted5     color252 color240
color quoted6     color249 color17
color quoted7     color0 color246
color quoted8     color0 color249
color quoted9     color0 color74

color bold        black color7   # "bold patterns" in body of messages
color underline   color188 black   # "underline patterns" in body of

color attachment  color29 color253
color signature   blue white

color tilde       color248 color235 # blank line identifier

color search      color0 color100 # highlight words in pager matching
current se
color status      color4 color247 # status line, mutt menu and divider
color error       white red # mutt errors
color message     red blue # informational messages

#color sidebar_new color0 color248
color sidebar_new black white

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