Pirate Bay Peter Sunde "I Have Given Up"

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 12:05:22 PDT 2017


The future of illegal torrent websites doesn't look good. As torrent
websites continue to disappear, the founder of The Pirate Bay believes
the trend is the just the beginning. While it might look like
torrenters are are still fighting this battle, Sunde claims that the
reality is more definitive: "We have already lost." [...] Take the net
neutrality law in Europe. It's terrible, but people are happy and go
like "it could be worse." That is absolutely not the right attitude.
Facebook brings the internet to Africa and poor countries, but they're
only giving limited access to their own services and make money off of
poor people. [...] Well, I have given up the idea that we can win this
fight for the internet. The situation is not going to be any
different, because apparently that is something people are not
interested in fixing. Or we can't get people to care enough. Maybe
it's a mixture, but this is kind of the situation we are in, so its
useless to do anything about it. We have become somehow the Black
Knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail. We have maybe half of our head
left and we are still fighting, we still think we have a chance of
winning this battle.

Peter Sunde recently on...
Why we need to fight for both transparency and privacy.
Film: "Snowden"
How The Internet Broke Politics, AnCap, etc


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