[RUS] Russian embassy - funniest on the planet - evokes the spicy meme lord

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Tue Apr 11 16:43:34 PDT 2017

This one time, in the deep and distant past, a Hissing Weasel was gently
ribbed by Tucker Carlson.

Then this one time, Lauren Duca was deposed from her lofty comedic stool
but the awesome, the progressive, the liberal and the sublimely

** The Russian Embassy in Britain trolls Russophobic conspiracy nuts
Humour in the face of inanity.

Direct link:

Between Tucker, the world's newest and sauciest Hissing Weasel yet
Mensch, and Russian embassies and Spicer:

  Spicer says Hitler ‘didn’t sink to using chemical weapons’

  Sean Spicer says US goal is to destabilise Syria

and NATO finally getting a member whom will bring strength, glory and
global power and influence to the EU and the USA for the coming century:

  Donald Trump approves NATO membership for Montenegro

and the MSM running their dignified game as always:

  Jeremy Scahill on CNN: If Fareed Zakaria Could Have Sex With Trump's
  Missile Strike, He Would

, 2017 might just become the Comedy Year of the Century.

Thankfully saner heads may yet prevail:

  Netanyahu Calls for Buffer Zones in Syria to Protect Israeli-Occupied

  (Rather impressive chutzpah here ...)

whoops, sorry, what I meant was those other saner heads - this one:

  Vladimir Putin says Russia still hopes for better relations with US
  despite missile strike

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