Fwd: [ PFIR ] It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown

Anton Nesterov komachi at openmailbox.org
Fri Apr 7 18:25:00 PDT 2017

Here is Federal List of Extemists Materials on Ministry of Justice
website http://minjust.ru/ru/extremist-materials

You know where "Ru" is? Russia.


>#4071 Плакат с изображением человека, похожего на президента РФ В.В.
Путина, на лице которого макияж – накрашены ресницы и губы, что, по
замыслу автора/авторов плаката, должно служить намеком на якобы
нестандартную сексуальную ориентацию президента РФ. Текст под
изображением (воспроизводится с сохранением особенностей орфографии и
пунктуации, с сокрытием нецензурной лексики): «Избиратели Путина, как
... вроде бы их много, но среди моих знакомых их нет», размещенный 07
мая 2014 года в социальной сети «Вконтакте» на аккаунте
http://vk.com/id161877484 с ник-неймом «Александр Цветков» (решение
Центрального районного суда г. Твери от 11.05.2016);

>Poster with picture of human, who looks similar to president of Russian
Federation V.V. Putin, who got makeup: made up eyelashes and lips, which
according to the author's intentions should be a hint of allegedly
non-standard sexual orientation of president of Russian Federation. Text
under picture (reproduced with saving features of spelling and
punctuation, with hidden obscene vocabulary): "Voters of Putin as ...:
seems like there is many of them, but I don't have any among my
contacts", posted at 7 May 2014 in a social network "VK.com" under
account http://vk.com/id161877484  with nickname "Alexander Tsvetkov"
(Central Tver's oblast court judgment from 2016-05-11).

Well, that's even linked in WP article, so you can call it
self-reference only if you admit that Ministry of Justice of Russia
website operated by WP and WP has direct influence on Russian courts.

> This is bullshit propaganda. I LUV the screenshot of "Gordonua.com"
> You know where "Ua" is? Ukraine.
> http://whois.domaintools.com/gordonua.com
> The Washington post self-referencing one of it's own articles about gay
> protesters arrested and beaten was laughable too.
> A while back I checked on one bar smashing incident (Saint Petersburg,
> with a HUGE LGBT population), and the bartender said, quite plainly, "I
> don't know who they were. But their accents weren't from around here.
> No. That didn't come from The Bezos-CIA axis media. It came from a local
> newspaper I ran through a translator.
> Soros money at work paying thugs to smash gay bars... Which is EXACTLY
> WHY ANYONE WHO TALKS ABOUT LGBT is considered a criminal. Because there
> are no laws prohibiting who fucks whom, and anyone who wants to make it
> a topic of discussion HAS a PAID agenda.
> Awww! So your child get to choose without pressure EITHER way.
> ...how... 'abusive'.
> The propaganda also helps the Pentagon, desperate for soldiers, get LGBT
> recruits who are stupid enough to believe that joining an imperial army
> is "Liberation", but that's not enough to convince folks, so the CIA's
> propaganda mill throws them some "Red Meat" BS story about Gay
> harassment in Russia. Over and over and over again.
> Just like they're using the words "Gas Attack" at Idlib over and over
> and over again despite the known fact there was no "Gas Attack" at all.
> Pavlovian bullshit.
> Rr
> On 04/05/2017 08:25 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility) Announcement List"
>> <pfir at pfir.org <mailto:pfir at pfir.org>>
>> Date: Apr 5, 2017 22:18
>> Subject: [ PFIR ] It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of
>> Putin as a gay clown
>>     It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown
>>     https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/04/05/its-now-illegal-in-russia-to-share-an-image-of-putin-as-a-gay-clown/
>>     <https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/04/05/its-now-illegal-in-russia-to-share-an-image-of-putin-as-a-gay-clown/>
>>             Russia has banned a picture depicting President Vladimir Putin
>>             as a potentially gay clown. Russian news outlets are having
>>             trouble reporting exactly which image of the Internet's many
>>             Putin-gay-clown memes is now illegal to share. Because, you
>>             know, it's been banned.  But the picture was described last
>>             week on the Russian government's list of things that
>>             constitute "extremism."
>>      - - -
>> Oh, God!  I can't share Putin-gay-clown images anymore!  What will I
>> do in my free time?!  :-o
>> The guy isn't smart, hahaha!!  Censorship banning a meme is pretty
>> stupid.  He's begging for a viral, woohoo!!  :D
>> #  Cute Bonus:  -  There are long months, I am waiting for this
>> battle.  I'm Japanese.  It's in my genetics to love giant robots with
>> passion!  :D
>> http://www.theverge.com/2017/4/5/15192948/giant-robot-duel-megabots-date-venue

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