Crypto consequences of dimensionless constants changing their values over time?

jim bell jdb10987 at
Sat Apr 1 11:01:40 PDT 2017

 From: Georgi Guninski <guninski at>
>This bugs me.

>Since 2009 it is known that the value of the dimensionless constant Pi
>changes over time: [1]

That's a FUNNY article!!!
Seriously, however, there are indeed examples of fundamental physical "constants" which may vary over time.
One minor motivation to develop really precise clocks, accurate to 1 part in 10**18 (Ytterbium lattice clocks, for one example   ) is that it is possible that two different such clocks (each using a different type of atom), a few meters apart on a desktop, could show a variation in rate over a reasonable period of time, say a month or a year.  ×   

Put more simply, suppose you could compare the frequency of two such clocks, with different types of atoms, and express that result to a precision of one part in 10**18.  A month or a year later, you do the same comparison, you might discover that the ratio of frequencies are different by a few parts in 10**18, or perhaps much larger.  
This would be a laboratory verification of a recent astronomical observation, a one-part-in-100,000 change over a period of 6 billion years:      If that rate of change were constant, it would be one part in 600 trillion per year.  If an equivalent laboratory variation rate could be  compared to a precision of 10**18, that would be 1600 units per year, or 133 per month, or perhaps 4 per day.  ×   
           Jim Bell
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