Free speech - front lines in Australia - [personal at Update: battle for free speech]

Nadine Earnshaw nadine at
Sun Sep 11 23:07:48 PDT 2016

This is what we are engaging in and those who think differently than
me here will dismiss me with a simple - moron - tagbut this is exactly
what free speech is. We hold different opinions and voice them without
fear of personal attack.

Verbally attacking someone is not freedom its abuse. We are not free
to abuse others.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen D. Williams" 
Sent:Sun, 11 Sep 2016 22:48:55 -0700
Subject:Re: Free speech - front lines in Australia -
[personal at Update: battle for free speech]

 In a free and open society, even the invalid opinions have to be
allowed.  Fools should be allowed to make fools of themselves in
public.  And other fools should be allowed to ridicule them.


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