Attempt to re-create and test Hillary's email server for security?

Cari Machet carimachet at
Fri Sep 30 18:05:57 PDT 2016

Yay not many people have the brain capacity you do jim so thats why no one
is doing that level of work

On Oct 1, 2016 3:27 AM, "jim bell" <jdb10987 at> wrote:

> I wonder if somebody has attempted to re-create the software suite used to
> make Hillary Clinton's email server, fill it with dummy (test) data, and
> place it online, and challenge the world to try to crack it.  Too often
> I've heard the comment out of Hillary's camp, 'There is no evidence anybody
> hacked the server', more or less.  Such a claim seems obviously
> questionable to me.  They are already admitted that various somebodies
> TRIED to hack the server, and that those running that server were aware of
> these attempts, and then shut the server down for a few minutes as a
> consequence.  But whether anybody succeeded, I don't know.  It would be
> useful to actually show that such a server could be successfully hacked.
>             Jim Bell
> Here's an example of discussion of study of her server, mostly in order to
> retrieve or re-create the seemingly lost emails.  What they are not
> describing is what I advocate:  Implement a recreation suitable to expose
> it to the world, challenging the world to crack it.
> clinton-emails-server-fbi
> ×
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