Cloudflare & NoDAPL again w/ a ROTF

Razer rayzer at
Sat Sep 17 20:34:56 PDT 2016

On 09/17/2016 08:16 PM, xorcist at wrote:
>> Ah well you miss the point entirely.
> ..
>> Or maybe you should just stick to coding.
> lulz.
> Look, I am just trying to intimate that this isn't new, or especially
> fucking different, from any other day. I don't get my panties all in a
> bunch about normal shit.
> Yeah, there are front organizations, and powerful people playing all
> manner of shady games. No fucking shit. How is this different than any
> other day for the last 2000 years?
> It's like you're amazed that the sky is cloudy. No fucking shit kid,
> welcome to reality.

In order:
I'm disseminating current events information of cyber interest and
activist interest. This is 'what I do' with a good deal of my tubztime.
Your denigration of what I do is tedious... boring really. You know shit
about me or my motivations

I'm NOT a kid

I've been a victim of US intel agency stalking, slander, and disruption
operations. When it was still done with phone, and file cabinet, and
punch cards (if computer methods were used at all)

There isn't one thought in my head that isn't reality based, and if I'm
speculating I try to make it clear.

> Show me a solid plan for what we can do to turn the sky blue, and I'm all
> ears. Failing that, YES -- its far better to do something productive,
> whether thats coding, or just jerking off, than belly aching about the
> numerous games the powerful play.


> You fall into that racket, and you're just another type of establishment
> tool. A chicken running around with its head cut off, wailing about all
> the fucked up shit. Normies will just call you a conspiracy theorist crazy
> and tune out, and in the meantime, you'll be so busy jumping from one foot
> to the next keeping track of what moves who made, you won't have time to
> DO anything to jam up the system, or find a spot to stick a well placed
> monkey wrench.

Blah blah My life IS a monkey wrench in their gearworks. In real life,
in real time.

> Don't worry so much about what moves the chess masters are making.

You say. Your older or passed relatives have number tattoos on their
bodies? Some of mine did. They weren't 'watching the moves'.

 > Look for a way to pull the fire alarm and drench the whole fucking
lot of them
> to get the games canceled.

Been waiting a long time. Like waiting for the stars to align. My life
is a monkeywrench. Waiting is bullshit.

> And I'm NOT saying one shouldn't be informed. I'm saying one shouldn't let
> it effect your emotional state. Get a fucking grip.

You assume I'm emotionally involved?


You're fishing.


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