Pork Rind Disco

DillPickles dillonpickles at sigaint.org
Fri Sep 9 06:32:22 PDT 2016


> Cecilia Tanaka:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torresmo

Statement from link:

"In many ancient cultures, animal fats were the only way of obtaining oil
for cooking and it was common in many people's diet until the industrial
revolution made vegetable oils more common and more affordable."

+ "Vegetable" oil is not from vegetables but from grain (grass seed).

+ Unsaturated fats oxidize (rancidify) in the body, causing inflammation.
  - Polyunsaturated fats (fish & seed) oxidize more.
  - Monounsaturated fats (avocado & olive) oxidize less.

+ Saturated fats (coconut & bacon) drive serum cholesterol levels.

+ Cholesterol is needed to produce steroidal hormones to keep you alive
and functioning.

WTF, since we be made from monounsaturated and saturated fats?

Eat avocado on your sprouted whole grain sourdough BLT, fuckers.

An unhealthful and unhappy cpunk is a useless one.

Dill Pickles.

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