Let's Talk About Juan... ;-)

juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 20:56:05 PDT 2016

On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 01:39:25 -0000
"Cypher Piggie" <oinker9003 at mail2tor.com> wrote:

> > 	Haha, Thanks for the loyal defense Cecilia =P
> Troll playin helpless for amplify backsuport to come to him. TROLLLLL.

	dumb tor cunt doesn't understand nuance

> > I'm a subject of the US government
> > 	the better.
> I said you're a US Citizen you cumdodger.

	sure, I'm a subject of the US government. 

> while (1) { printf("americunt\n"); }

	so I'm US subject who calls US subjects americunts, and you
	seem to be objecting - makes a lot of sense

> jake's a hero.
	he's a corrupt fuck on the pentagon's payroll

> razer's the shit and seen more action 

	another asshole whose main purpose is to be tor's and "jake"'s

> > If your "juanie boy" be an ex-USA man, perhaps even an
> > ex-intelligencia  
> who said nothin about *ex*... 

	so I'm a US subject and US gov't employee - that's what the
	rayzer believes eh?

	OK, *now* that you've been stupid enough to hint who you are :
	yet another corrup tor fanboy, I'll thoroughly ignore you =) 

	enyoy your trolling and spamming 

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