MainStream Media <-> Western Regime Media

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Wed Sep 7 18:01:24 PDT 2016

Being a fan of accurate naming of those things within our present shared
common delusion, perhaps we ought consider a new term besides "MSM"?

** 'Mainstream' Is a Misnomer, What You're Reading Is Regime Media
by Marko Marjanović on Wed, Sep 7, 2016
Here's a mental exercise for you. First think of any issue of grave
importance for the Washington establishment. Then ask yourself if US
mainstream media was state-run would its coverage of it be any different
from what it is now?Think about it, on the domestic front the big
hitters continue to say that the economy is doing fine and the post-2008
recovery was great even as real people flock to protest candidates Trump
and Sanders in record numbers.On the foreign policy side the media is
more or less sweeping the Saudi war in Yemen under the rug by offering
only very occassional and subdued critique -- which happens to mimick
the reservations White House holds about this greatest humanitarian
disaster of the present in private.

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