[ultra ULTRA private] [for your eyes only] capitalism, socialism, anarchism, self-regulation

Razer rayzer at riseup.net
Thu Sep 1 18:52:55 PDT 2016

On 09/01/2016 06:24 PM, juan wanted me to do something for him:

>> *find out how many US government agents like me know that spanish word rayzer. 

The Defense Language Institute teaches feds like you how to cuss like a
Mexican... At other facilities they have whole mock-up villages where
you learn to live like one too! (But they don't teach you how to sleep
in the berry fields.)


> Razer <rayzer at riseup.net> vomited :
>> marcusse 
> 	So for completness sake, here's rayzer spiritual mentor 
> 	https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/marcuse/works/1969/essay-liberation.pdf
> 	Well, I learnt something today! That deranged scumbag narcusse
> 	was a psicobolche*  =) =) =)
> 	"The Expression of Genre: Capitalist neopatriarchial theory and
> 	the dialectic paradigm of narrative" 
> 	"Subcapitalist textual theory and expressionism"
> 	"Dialectic cultural theory, capitalism and social realism"
> 	"Posttextual Appropriations: Subdialectic discourse and the
> 	modernist paradigm of expression"
> 	et cetera
> 	http://www.elsewhere.org/journal/pomo/
> *find out how many US government agents like me know that spanish word
> rayzer. 

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