'Holocausts Deniers' 'R Us [Was a bandwidth-wasting thread called: Re: Inspirational - Senator Culleton's Passion bah blah blah]

Razer rayzer at riseup.net
Sat Oct 22 08:41:22 PDT 2016

Iraq was killing Kurds for the US. The rest of what you wrote is just as
historically vacant of context. Or should I say, "Twisted and warped".

Go propagandize someone else. Someone stupid perhaps.


On 10/22/2016 01:47 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
> On 10/19/2016 11:15 AM, Razer wrote:
>> On 10/18/2016 10:17 PM, Александр wrote:
>>> 2016-10-19 2:41 GMT+03:00 John Newman <jnn at synfin.org>:
>>>> Are you also a holocaust denier like your friend Zen?
>>> Oh, johny, johny... poor johny... you fought Juan and you totally lost, so
>>> now you came back to bite Zen.... you hate Zenaan and the Truth he spreads
>>> so much that you must bite him again and again and again. But the problem
>>> is - YOU ARE A SLANDERER, johny! A fucken SLANDERER!
>>> For the record - Zen has NEVER denied the holocaust, you cock sucker. NEVER!
>>> He published ONE political-historical essay that discussed about A LOT of
>>> things and ....  that was published on some holocaust denier site.. and
>>> TA-DAM... johny new-man (dick-man) took it as the ONLY and the MAJOR hook
>>> he's got on Zen and now he bites him with it every Monday and Saturday.
>>> You piece of stupid scum, johny.
>>> And whenever i see your post/someone qoutes you, i get a vomit reflex,
>>> because i know it's gonna be super stupid or super ugly (the same refers to
>>> Tanaka's posts, by the way).
>>> So i repeat my reply to one of your attacks on Zen:
>>> SHUT THE FUCK UP and leave this Great Human Being with the name "Zenaan".
>>> (◣◢)┌∩┐
>> FWIW, the best and one of the only reviews on the internet of "Keeper of
>> the Concentration Camps", a dual bio of the careers of Dillon S. Meyer,
>> the creep responsible for the operation of the WWII Japanese internment
>> camps in the US who later became... Wait for it... the head of the
>> Bureau of Indian Affairs, appears on a so-called Holocaust Denial site.
>> http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v08/v08p234_Strang.html
>> Pardon me if I've said this before.
>> No... actually fuck ┌∩┐ your par-don:
>> Personally, as a 3rd generation descendant of European and Central Asian
>> Jews whose immediate family migrated to the US in the late 1800s/early
>> 1900s leaving some family behind to die in the Bishkek pogroms and later
>> the Nazi concentration camps, the "Holocaust Denier" BS is MORE THAN
>> It doesn't matter a fucking ┌∩┐ bit if it was 2 million Jews or 6
>> Million or 10... or 5,999,999. What matters is "Holocaust Denier
>> Baiting" is being used as a diversion from the FACT the genocide
>> continues today against other people on the planet. A LOT of other people.
>> Yemen
>> Somalia
>> Afghanistan
>> Syria, and NOT by it's government either...
> The governments of Syria, Iraq and Turkey have all been involved
> in genocidal actions against the Kurds. The US despite all its words
> of support of the Kurds has kept one of the main Peshmurga groups -
> the KPP on the terrorist list as a sop to the Turkey where the US now
> has a major air base.
> During the Arab Springs i made sure that the crimes of the Syrian
> government towards it's people were not forgotten. I will not allow them
> to be painted over now. They are major torturers and murderers of their
> own people. Activists would post videos of police harming people
> then the police would catch them and torture them for the passwords to
> take down the videos. We archived the videos so they would not be
> forgotten - Streisand effect. I still have them on an HD somewhere.
> The crimes of the Assad family towards the people of Syria are horrific
> and span generations. Torture and murder. Look it up. Just because the
> US is attacking Syria does not make Syria the good guys.
> --- Marina
>> The list of countries being destroyed along with their people is too
>> extensive to list here... Sorry.
>> That CURRENT GENOCIDE is being committed mostly by the countries who
>> disenfranchise and criminalize so-called 'deniers' and "the ad hom
>> "Holocaust Denier!" is parroted by people globally who are ABSOLUTELY
>> FINE with that ongoing current slaughter.
>> Here's a corollary to "People who don't learn from the past are
>> condemned to repeat it"
>> People who are STUCK IN THE PAST are the people who WILLINGLY REPEAT IT.
>> Fuck "Israel" ┌∩┐. Fuck Zionism ┌∩┐. Fuck ┌∩┐┌∩┐┌∩┐ every government and
>> person on earth who'd use MY DEAD RELATIVES to hide their own
>> participation in genocide occurring now.
>> Use your OWN fucking ┌∩┐ holocausts as example and stop using MY
>> relatives for YOUR HYPOCRITICAL Public Relations "Holier than thou"
>> purposes, scumbuckets.
>> Rr

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