Inspirational - Senator Culleton's Passionate Maiden Senate Speech gets Standing Ovation - YouTube

John Newman jnn at
Mon Oct 17 17:21:07 PDT 2016

It's mildly tempting to make a substantive reply to your continued nonsense.  But I said I was bowing out, and so I am ;).  None of your rebuttals are worth the continued effort anyway, Juan. My time is better spent doing ANYTHING else. 

I do appreciate the props on my old comments on propaganda :)

take care 


> On Oct 17, 2016, at 11:30 AM, juan <juan.g71 at> wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 08:18:26 -0400
> John Newman <jnn at> wrote:
>>>> On Oct 16, 2016, at 3:13 PM, juan <juan.g71 at> wrote:
>>>> I've never seen you make any interesting technical points,
>>>    So now you changed from "technical points" to "interesting
>>>    technical points" 
>>>    You don't need to further embarras yourself, but you are
>>> likely to….
>> Playing simple word games, Juan?  That seems about your speed.
>> My point remains the same, and un-refuted.
>    You don't have a point. By the way, as far as I can tell your
>    second post to this list is about....the global warming scam. Go
>    figure. At least counting posts coming from
>    Now, feel free to link all your 'technical', 'relevant' and
>    'useful' posts to the list. Especially 'technical'. Not that you
>    are under any obligation to post pseudo technical garbage, but
>    since apparently you love it so much, one would expect you to
>    post a lot of it? Seems not. Tsk tsk.
>    Then again, I'm glad you don't practice what you preach =)
>>>> or anything else. When it comes to tor you're like a fucking broken
>>>> IRC bot, spouting the SAME SHIT WE ALL KNOW,
>>>    Oh really.
>> Yep.
>    "We" all know. So who is "we"? Whose spokesperson are you? Or
>    whose talking head?
>    Ah yes, since you can't speak for yourself you now invoke some
>    kind of imaginary gang. Or perhaps you are referring to the
>    'community' of corrupt 'hackers' and the like, on the
>    pentagon's payroll? Of course "you all" know that...
>>>    Nobody seems to know what I'm saying. If they did, they
>>> would act otherwise. Oh wait, they are complicit?
>> Everyone knows.
>    You can't answer the question...Or don't want to =)
>> Everyone with half a fucking brain. If they don’t,
>> it’s only because you’ve obscured the real issues with tor
>    Oh, now it's my fault. My powers are amazing eh. Just because
>    of some messages I post in a couple of small lists, I've
>    turned the whole world into complicit assholes. I must be jesus
>    or something - that's why I have superpowers!
>    And what are the 'real' issues according to you anyway? Not that
>    tor is a scam funded by the pentagon eh? That's not a real
>    issue I guess...? Or is that the issue I've 'obscured'? Or what.
>    Yeah, not expecting you to say anything reasonable at this
>    point...
>> with your
>> over the top TORBOT TORBOT TORBOT responses any time the
>> word is mentioned.
>    You are starting to sound like a torbot john. You were a tor
>    accomplice too, no?
>>>> I've seen your posts, they are not technical in nature.
>>>    Hey stupid piece of shit, this list is about crpyo ANARCHY.
>> Right, but I’m talking about your hatred for the CRYPTO list, you ass.
>    And I'm talking about a bunch of censors and establishment
>    clowns pretending to be against it. I can also talk about your
>    love for a bunch of censors. So?
>>>> You
>>>> don't have to be such a defensive ass about it, but hey, you think
>>>> climate change is a hoax too, so I'd say you are basically a
>>>> fucking lost cause at this point.
>>>    I say you are an ignorant nerd who thinks that any sort of
>>>    pseudo technical bullshit is Holy Science. You are just a
>>>    recycled christian.
>> You like to use the word nerd to describe anyone interested in
>> technical matters?  
>    No, I'm using it that way with you. Looks like you can't even
>    read? I bothered to qualify "nerd" for your especial kind =)
>>>    Pro censorship peie of shit, parroting pro-censorship
>>>    propaganda in 'cryto' 'anarchsit' circles. 
>>>    You are a…hoax.
>> I never said anything pro-censorship.
>    Except for supporting the censoring 'policies' of the
>    'cryptography' mailing cesspool. Come on. You can't be that
>    stupid...or dishonest. 
>> THEIR SOFTWARE.  It’s not UP TO YOU, jackass.  I’ve never endorsed 
>> moderation for this list.
>    Not for this list. Did I say you endorse it for this list? No I
>    didn't, lying retard. On the other hand, have you talked
>    against people like quinn? Well you didn't do that either...
>    At any rate, you endorse it for the 'cryptography' mailing list.
>    So how retarded can you be to say something in one message and
>    try to deny it in the next one? 
>    Isn't software 'free'? Oh, 'free' software gives 'admins' the
>    divine right to censorship. You make so much sense...
>> And parroting the lines others have just thrown at you gets you no
>> points (“You are a… hoax”)
>    You are a hoax John. A pro-censorship hoax. Oh wait, I can't
>    use that line? It's been copyright by the PDF Philosopher
>    Mirimir? Sorry, please don't sue!
>>>>>  At any rate, your reaction to russian propaganda doesn't speak
>>>>>  too well of you, just like it doesn't speak too well of Google
>>>>>  Inc. representatives.
>>>> And your reaction speaks volumes about you. First you replied by
>>>> immediately throwing your comrades under the bus,
>>>    Except they are not my comrades.
>> The list archives would seem to say otherwise.
>    No, only liars say otherwise. 
>    Here's my take on russia...qouted by one "John Newman". And
>    agreed with! =)
>    By the way, first you accuse me of being part of a circle jerk
>    that posts russian propaganda. But if deny it (and you know the 
>    accusation is false), then I'm throwing my comrades under the
>    bus. So whether I am pro-russia...or not...I'm guilty anyway =) 
>    You should get a job as state prosecutor...
>>>> now you seem to
>>>> want back in the circle jerk?
>>>    What about you don't having a clue, and either not
>>>    understanding my position or just lying about it.
>>>    Bottom line you are way more pro amerikka thatn I'm pro
>>> russia. Hardly surprising sice you are an americunt.
>> You argue like a child. I’m “more pro-america” than you are
>> “pro-russia”… which is utter fucking bullshit, and I think you know
>> it.  Show one time I’ve ever endorsed america.
>    You seem to be trying the "everybody is as bad as the U.S."
>    line. 
>    If that's not the case, you could have dealt with the stuff Zen
>    posts in a rational way. You didn't. Your mistake.
>>>> This entire thread is such a fucking waste of time.
>>>    So go fuck yourself. I'm sure you can write a three line
>>> bash script to hack the NSA. Go for it.
>> Same to you Juan :)
>    I'm not delusional and think the NSA can be 'hacked' =)
>> Is there ANYONE on this list that you haven’t gotten into a massive
>> flame war with?  Anyone besides your Russian Alex-Jones-loving
>> “global warming is a hoax" comrades, I mean….  You have to ask
>> yourself, when its you against EVERYONE, is the problem really with
>> EVERYONE else, or is the problem, perhaps, with YOU ?
>    Oh yes. I'm not "well adapted" to your circle jerk of fake
>    'hackers' on the pentagon's payroll and Leading Establishment
>    Americunts like those of the crypto ML.
>    You want people to parrot only what the gang leaders allow to
>    be parroted eh John? That's the reason why you 'love' the fully
>    censored 'cryptography' mailing list =)
>> I’m done talking to you.  Respond if you want, but I’m not wasting
>> any more time on your fucking nonsense.
>    At least it makes more sense than your own nonsense =)
>    Like I said, now show what amazing hacker you are and how you
>    are going to hack the pentagon...Focus on the 'technical'
>    stuff...
>> John

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