Wikileaks says Wednesday is the End for Hillary.

xorcist at xorcist at
Mon Oct 3 17:36:08 PDT 2016

>> Are we talking about wealth, or intelligence?
> 	I know what I'm talking about but you don't know what you are
> 	talking about. You seem to have some kind of problem...

You're right, I do have several problems.

At the moment, I can't find my lighter. And you never shut the fuck up.
Those are two problems I have.

>> Because I agree that neither of us are in the 1% of the most
>> intelligent. That much is obvious.
> 	Intelligence was never mentioned...

Sure it was. I mentioned it.

And it's call fucking with you.

>> Ok. I believe you. You're not in the 1% of either intelligence, or
>> wealth.
> 	I think you should work harder trying to understand the meaning
> 	of the relative position of 0s, 1s and the rest of arabic
> 	numerals...

You seem to have real difficulty understanding playful obtuseness in an
effort to let a conversation die for lack of genuine interest.

Like I said some time ago. You're like autistic or something.

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