Wikileaks says Wednesday is the End for Hillary.

juan juan.g71 at
Mon Oct 3 00:19:37 PDT 2016

	By-the-way, I saw somebody on the interwebz suggesting that
	trump's job is to get the cunt elected. The idea is to have
	somebody like trump to point at and say "look! the murderous
	cunt is better than him!". Sounds sorta plausible. At least if
	your target audience is 'progressive' 'politically correct'
	fascists, who are the majority of the US electorate apparently.

	Lately there seems to be some kind of global feminazi campaing
	going on. Well, by 'global' I mean in the jew-kkkristian western
	cesspool. The local feminazis have been making a lot of noise
	here in argentina - I think it's safe to assume they get their
	orders and 'donations' from the americunts. 

	Now that a woman is going to be the supreme ruler of the
	universe and murder as many brown children as neccesary to keep
	gas prices low, it makes sense for the feminazis to redouble
	their propaganda efforts. 

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