Scientific Progress

Razer rayzer at
Thu Oct 27 08:25:32 PDT 2016

But But! Whitey's on the MOON!

That's my problem with your, and so many other worshipers of
Technocracy's worldview, in a sentence Tom. Those pretty pictures come
with a price, and that price is MURDER, of people who would never get to
see those pretty pictures.

Another example... This gun can fire ONE MILLION ROUNDS A MINUTE and any
soldier could set it up:

Nice. Just what humanity needs. Suppose the 'scientists' and 'engineers'
(and machinists and assemblers) who developed it give one fuck how many
innocent people it kills Tom?

You know what I'd LIKE to do to the people who developed than gun Tom.

Put the whole fuckload of them in front of one and USE IT FOR TRULY

Listen to your psychotherapist Tom:

"The founder of Gestalt Therapy, Paul Goodman, speaking by invitation to
the National Security Industrial Association —a consortium of arms
manufacturers, at the October 1967 “Research and Development in the
1970s” symposium, Washington DC.

"You are the military industrial [complex] of the United States, the
most dangerous body of men at present in the world, for you not only
implement our disastrous policies but are an overwhelming lobby for
them, and you expand and rigidify the wrong use of brains, resources,
and labor so that change becomes difficult.”

(He continued as the audience sat in stunned silence.)

“The best service you people could perform is rather rapidly to phase
yourselves out, passing on your relevant knowledge to people better
qualified, or reorganizing yourselves with entirely different sponsors
and commitments, so that you learn to think and feel in a different way.

Since you are most of the R&D [research and development] that there is,
we cannot do without you as people, but we cannot do with you as you are.”

(laughter and booing along with scattered applause)

“but we believe, however, that that way of life is unnecessary, ugly,
and un-American.”

(Shouts from the audience: “Who are ‘we’?”)

“We are I and those people outside —we cannot condone your present
operations; they should be wiped off the slate.”

I am on the outside thinking your "Science" needs to be Wiped From The
Slate... Along with it's funders. We'll use that 1x10(6) round a minute
gun. I'll pull the digital trigger.


On 10/27/2016 04:58 AM, Tom wrote:
> Juan,
>> Who are they, Tom? 
> As I understand your mails, you're  one of them. Maybe I misunderstood
> your mails - my appologies in that case.
>> And where's the 'scientific' evidence for your propaganda claim? 
> Why should I make propaganda? I'm not the government nor do I work for
> one. I just happen  to love science. Here are a  couple of examples of
> the kind of science I wrote about earlier:
> How could a sane person think they are 'parasites'? This is nonsense.
>> Because you know even two minutes research should inform you of
>> what's going on. Unless you are a willfully ignorant, fully
>> biased cheerleader for the 'scientific' establishment.
> Let me fill in the role you're projecting onto me for a moment: please
> show me the evidence of your propaganda claim.
>> Oh but you can generalize the other, patently false, way.
> I  don't. I  just say  not all  science is  evil. We'd  not have  this
> discussion otherwise.
>> Dude, the 'international' 'scientific' 'community' uses FUCKING
>> IMPERIAL ENGLISH, and the universtity parasities in mongolia
>> working for mongolia's national universities are no different
>> from the parasites at harvard university or berlin university.
>> or any other place. 
> I'd love it to see you on the panel during a science convention or the
> like and speak like this to scientists :)
> Really, Juan, I  surely agree with you, that there  are scientists one
> could call 'parasites'. But not all of them, that's ridiculous.
> Tom.

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