Wikileaks says Wednesday is the End for Hillary.

juan juan.g71 at
Tue Oct 4 10:21:19 PDT 2016

On Tue, 4 Oct 2016 05:11:49 -0000
xorcist at wrote:

> >
> > 	It's quite clear that your idiotic ramblings are anything
> > but accurate. But of course, since your goal is propaganda,
> > 	accuracy is something you don't want at all.
> Thank you with going for the a-list troll move once again and
> ignoring and cutting things you can't refute.

	mate, out of the 100% of stupid propaganda you write, I cut 90%
	of it. No sane person can deal with your mental vomits. 

	Besides since you are an anti-rationalist, why would you care
	about any 'refutation'.


> And to be clear: not
> taking the time to respond to a point, is one thing. But RESPONDING
> by ignoring what was actually said, 

	Actually, I respond to what you actually say, not to all the
	garbage you put around it. I am so sorry that your scam
	'artist' tricks get you nowhere, piece-of-shit.

> > 	xorcist bottom line? DON"T MESS WITH MY BUDDIES THE
> > 	WORLD.
> lulz. You're ridiculous, which is why I enjoy saying ridiculous
> things in return, sweet tits.

	And that sums it up. In reality, what you say to me is the very
	exact garbage you put in all your posts. You type the mental
	vomits that your brain creates. Like your proposal for a
	'community' run cyber police state "little sister". Sick - but
	rather useful as a clue to what you really are.


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