US: Post Election Protests [#NotMyPresident Protests, #J20 General Strike]

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at
Sun Nov 13 10:48:52 PST 2016

On Nov 13, 2016 2:37 PM, "Razer" <rayzer at> wrote:   <SNIP>


Please, you are completely free to express your personal convictions, but
_not_ using another person's name, trying to imitate their writting
patterns.  Stop it please.  It's creepy and coward.  You are hurting and
offending people pretending to be another person.  Governments and corrupt
institutions like FBI and police usually do this kind of cruel thing.  Do
you want to act like them?  :(

You can help this list to become better, with good political and technical
discussions about privacy, security, civil rights, coding, a lot of
interesting subjects, and you are always choosing to disturb people with
fake accounts...  :(

Our life is made of choices.  Please choose to help this list instead
destroy it and harm people.  The world already has too much hate.

Thank you very much for your attention.  Think about it please.

-  c.
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