Some predictions for the spam after the murican's elections

Razer rayzer at
Tue Nov 8 17:38:53 PST 2016

On 11/08/2016 01:32 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> My take...
> Neither candidate is good.

It's like this... [Image]

Furthermore... Everyone misses the point. [Image]


"The real trick is to accept that the Republic has been dead for longer than any of us have been alive. We were taught to worship a corpse." ~

Ps. No I didn't participate in the cycle of my own oppression. No matter
which criminal get the most votes, corporations and money win. The
Economic Elite WANT US to focus on personalities... I Don't. There IS NO
SUBSTANTIAL DIFFERENCE between Hillary Clinton and  Donald Trump, and
the policies they can actually accomplish? Identical.

> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Georgi Guninski <guninski at> wrote:
>> Some predictions for the spam after the murican's elections
> When you vote for corruption, that's what you get.
> Corruption, spam, and secrets.
> It's taking the biggest names in US pop culture, the entire news
> media, both former and standing presidents and wives stumping, and
> the banks, the Saudi's, and more... all acting in concert to prop
> this one up. Something very wrong there.
> And Trump *still* earns 50% all on his own. Lol.
> It's been said Republicans are individually corrupt... give one of
> them a nice watch and they'll give you a contract, honorable like.
> But the Democrats are systematically corrupt... they're not picky
> or exclusive, they burrow into all your bases and twist you from
> the inside feeding you LSD till you think you're happy.
> And if Hillafake wins, the Americans might get healthcare welfare
> and social, but their real empowerment, liberty, freedom and
> disposable income will be raped away under the new single party
> dynasty of control with Chelsea in line for continuing the throne
> for another 8 years 8 years from now.
> My take...
> Neither candidate is good. With platforms always engineered in
> direct opposition at cost of needed pragmatism. And ancient electoral
> voting and ranking mechanisms. Sad for Americans. Amazed it has
> 'worked' for so long.
> There's still Johnson and Stein in the wings for those wanting to
> mix it up and vote the other available parties Pirate style ;)

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