more alt history - 2k yrs; 1k yrs; schism; fall of Rome; constantinople

John Newman jnn at
Tue Nov 8 04:27:39 PST 2016

> On Nov 7, 2016, at 10:20 PM, juan <juan.g71 at> wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 12:59:02 +1100
> Zenaan Harkness <zen at> wrote:
>> The Ancient Spiritual Roots Of Russophobia
>    "modern Jews are not Jews and the Catholics are not catholic.
>    In both cases, we are dealing with very successful frauds, but
>    frauds " 
>    What should of course be borne in mind is that the whole
>    jew-kristianity thing is a sick, totalitarian fraud. That
>    includes the so called 'orthodox' kristianity branch and brand.
>    No witch-doctor called 'jesus' was born 2016 years ago, so the
>    'orthodox' side of the story is a fraudulent joke just like
>    that of the other competing jew-kristian mafias. 

Absolutely correct. I find it fascinating that so many otherwise sensible atheists still think there was a historical Jesus....

We know there was no Jewish exodus from archaeological records, there was in fact no united kingdom of Israel in the 10th century BC anything like the bible purports. It's all Jewish propaganda after the fact.

I don't know why the life of Jesus is taken any more seriously.


Funny, I was just going over this site the last week or so. It's got a lot of interesting stuff... also fairly widely disparaged in certain "academic" blogs in really pretentious terms. Probably speaks more to the quality of the site than anything else.


>> November 06, 2016
>> A 2000 year old dispute
>> A 1000 year old dispute
>> The feared and hated witness
>> The modern dispute

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