Litvinenko - Russian demonisation continues to crumble

John Newman jnn at
Tue Jun 28 18:01:07 PDT 2016

On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 06:49:46PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> 1)
> I am pro-Russian, from points of view including the following:
>    - Putin is unimpeachable. He has never taken any bribe, is patriotic
>      America the hegemon!
>      Perhaps in the future, we can attempt to move towards something
>      even better than a multi polar nationalistic world, who knows - I
>      certainly hope for greater possibilities, but right now, America is
>      absolutely despotic in its actions, and its collective despotic
>      hegemonic intention, MUST be stopped.
> The hegemon must be stopped.
> The hegemon must be stopped...
> And now, for today's particular Western lie exposed (sadly, just another
> of so many):
> -----
> Major Allegations Against Russian President Now Being Questioned (Part
> I)
> Putin, it turns out, was "probably" not responsible for the murder of
> Alexander Litvinenko.
> Dr. Julia Svetlichnaja
> 2016-06-28
> (Alt:

So, it seems that, maybe, perhaps, Litvinenko wasn't directly
assassinated by the FSB (or whatever the Russian security service
calls itself these days...). I mean, maybe he wasn't, but who gives
a fuck?

Even if the polonium didn't originate in Russia (I think they were
able to pin-point which reactor it came out of, but setting that
aside..), I still can't understand cheerleading for ANY of the major
nation-states out there... they are all some twist on the same
corrupt, nepotic, oligarchic/plutocratic template.  Even if Putin
is the fucking hero of the world (because he didnt kill Litvinenko,
makes good speeches, doesn't take bribes), there's still all sorts of
absurd shit going on in that country and in EVERY OTHER country in 
the world.

Do you really think Putin wants to destroy American hegemony
without utterly replacing it?

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