Chaum Fathers Bastard Child To RubberHose ... PrivaTegrity cMix
Fri Jan 8 22:43:15 EST 2016

Tracerneo writes:
 | On 7 January 2016 at 05:51, grarpamp <> wrote:
 | >online privacy
 | >encryption scheme
 | >backdoor that allows have their anonymity and privacy stripped
 |  altogether
 | I don't know, maybe I'm retarded, but this doesn't compute.
 | What I'm afraid though, is that such abominations might catch on,
 | because people like adopting flawed things, that give them illusion of
 | control.

With respect, the stripping involved requires unanimity amongst the
nine sites, each much different than the other.  If one is to dismiss
Chaum's scheme due to the possibility of 9-way unanimous collusion,
then, in like manner, all threshold (split-key) cryptosystems are
unacceptable.  And then there is the DNS where the possibility of
collusion amongst all root servers would also trigger disavowal of
the DNS.

I'm probably missing your point.


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