oil supply sigint

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 00:49:46 PST 2016

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 4:26 AM, John Newman <jnn at synfin.org> wrote:
> Of course the future, one hopes, is in fusion. Not the LENR hoax bullshit, but the stuff they are researching at ITER in Europe.

Remind me stellar physics...
Sun fuses due to gravity created by excess fuel reserves in outer
sheaths, sheath fuel consumed, gravity pressure thins, fuse stops,
star falls in or blows out.

Even if they somehow feed ToySun external fuel, where do
they expect to generate a fuse worth of power (knowing energy
conversion back into magnet/laser fields is very lossy thus
requiring even more energy) to sustain a viable fuse while still
having enough bypass left over to dump into the electric grid?
Solar power? That's the only long term net input the Earth has.

Law of conservation of energy?
Fusion physics for dummies?

Somehow I don't think this will happen until we learn to
assemble the minimum critical + reserve mass for a real star.
Till then have fun flying solar panels and raping planets?

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