Major fuckups in the year of 2016?

Razer g2s at
Fri Dec 30 15:34:02 PST 2016

On 12/30/2016 01:50 PM, jim bell wrote:
> *From:* Razer <g2s at>
> On 12/29/2016 01:16 PM, jim bell wrote:
>> >>You are trying to mislead by using this article.  It doesn't even
>> explain from where the lead comes.  
> >Maybe they don't KNOW where the lead comes from. Does that mean it
> isn't newsworthy?
> You are trying to connect this lead with wafer fabs.  That is the
> misleading part. 

No I was tying the larger issue of the toxicity of the legacy of the
computer industry's early daze when they still manufactured in the US
into this. Because historic perspective, like black lives, matters.

I WASN'T DEBATING anyone and I can expound and extrapolate as I fucking
well please. There's  no obligation to point out those 'flights of
fancy' either. It's all on the intellect of the reader to figure it the
fuck out.

I don't even know for sure Fruitvale was a location for those sorts of
(not just wafer fab) machine operations, and was obviously 'reaching
out' for information about that, and you're trolling me motherfucker.


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