Major fuckup: USA

Razer g2s at
Thu Dec 29 12:29:17 PST 2016

On 12/29/2016 11:51 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Razer <g2s at> wrote:
>> Not necessarily terminal mechanical damage to the craft... Toxic smoke.
> Flame retardant materials often smoke considerably.
>> You might consider reading the article if you haven't.
> This overall article, not the dreamliner battery recall articles.

Right sorry about the lack of specificity...

>> trained to do, pointed it towards somewhere he was pretty sure there
>> wouldn't be anyone or thing on the ground destroyed, and they all
>> suffocated.
> This one appears to have been empty.

CNN, go figure. Boeing is most likely a major advertiser. The airlines
who use their planes certainly are.

>> The crash climb and dive recorded by radar was an attempt to put out the
>> fire. The complete power shutoff is SOP when there's an electrical fire.
> You meaning the Malaysion Indian Ocean article.


> The Earth is closed system thus, pushed to the limits, inexpensive
> has costs, govt, corps and demand often fuck that equation up
> and planes crash.

For a while there was a rash of tire blowouts on landing by commercial
airliners... An end result of pushing those tire's usage to the maximum
number of takoffs and landings they're rated for, so the airlines could
offer $39 dollar fares NY > DC etc.

Capitalism. Any questions? The rubes want cheap airfare and get a
'carnival thrill ride' with potentially deadly consequences instead.

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