Assange still alive and kickin'...

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at
Sat Dec 24 13:04:37 PST 2016

On Dec 24, 2016 5:30 PM, "Steve Kinney" <admin at> wrote:
> IMO there are way too many questionable assertions built into the
article, and it has some of the earmarks of a heavily re-edited and/or
manipulative text.

My love, I said that Assange is alive only, not that I agree with the
article or with him.  Rr is right, Assange is still alive and kicking, but
probably will be kicked soon.  Well, I sincerely hope he knows exactly what
he is doing...  :-/

Hey, Steve, you are one of my favorite DJs.  May you help me with our
Christmas/Hanukkah/Chomsky's Day soundtrack, please?  :)

I always think about "Merry Xmas  (War Is Over)", but it would definitely
not be original...  :P

Kisses, I love you!  <3

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