"right" vs permission, to immigrate - "Japan: No Muslims, no terrorists"

Razer rayzer at riseup.net
Wed Dec 21 17:06:57 PST 2016

On 12/21/2016 11:52 AM, juan wrote:

> right wing/conservatives pretending to be libertarians.  Which is
> actually quite common in the 'libertarian' movement



> On Wed, 21 Dec 2016 19:23:22 +0000 (UTC)
> jim bell <jdb10987 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Juan, I'm still waiting for you to justify your claim that
>> Christopher Cantwell isn't a libertarian.
> 	As luck would have it I replied to your previous message
> 	literally 10 seconds before you sent this one. So my reply
> 	should be just arriving =P
>>  Your merely pointing to
>> his assertion that libertarians shouldn't be (or need not be) in
>> favor of open borders, simply highlights which side of the argument
>> you are on:  It doesn't say that Cantwell is necessarily wrong.   It
>> would help your position immensely if you could point to a
>> substantial number of positions Cantwell has taken which libertarians
>> would generally agree that contradict libertarian philosophy.  
> 	It doesn't matter if he got 7 out of 10 positions right but
> 	still tries to justify anti-libertarian aberrations like state
> 	borders. 
> I
>> suggest you read  
>>  https://christophercantwell.com/2015/12/06/why-libertarians-are-hopeless/
>>  which I include a segment of, below.   I suspect you are exactly the
>> kind of problem that Cantwell is referring to:  People of the left
>> who are simply pretending to be "libertarian". 
> 	Right back at you. You and cantwell are right
> 	wing/conservatives pretending to be libertarians.  Which is
> 	actually quite common in the 'libertarian' movement because
> 	it's kinda easy to dishonestly twist libertarianism into a
> 	defense of the status quo. You know, all those poor big
> 	business who pay too much taxes, let's bail them out again.
> × Jim Bell
>> [partial quote below]
>> Why Libertarians Are Corrupted By The Left
> 	Spare me the typically RIGHT WING, mccarthist nonsense. Haven't
> 	you learned yet that libertarianism is not left wing NOR right
> 	wing? 
> 	cantwell should be talking abou how libertarianism is corrupted
> 	by right wingers like him.
> 	Then again, thanks for illustrasting that cantwell is a RIGHT
> 	WINGER or CONSERVATIVE, not a libertarian.
>> I should again explain, I am discussing libertarians, not
>> libertarianism. The following critique would rightly be met with
>> complaints by well read Rothbardians as containing a great many
>> falsehoods. I have made these complaints repeatedly myself.In their
>> efforts to grow their numbers, and in the face of perpetual
>> frustrations in getting wolves and rabbits to shrug off their
>> evolutionary psychology, libertarian groups have resorted to
>> recruiting non-libertarians into their ranks. This presumably was
>> perceived as a competitive advantage in a political system which
>> favors numbers over reasoned arguments or factual correctness.In the
>> course of so doing, it is my perception that leftists are
>> particularly more prone to swing toward libertarian social circles
>> than rightists, due primarily to a lack of ingroup preference. It is
>> not that they become libertarians or suddenly shrug off their
>> rodent like evolutionary psychology. They are simply more prone to
>> novelty seeking ,and lack any group loyalty or attachment to any
>> particular idea. They are still rodents, but they realize they can
>> have a higher social status in this smaller group than in their
>> larger openly left wing group. A left libertarian blogger may become
>> the envy of his left libertarian peers, but would accomplish
>> absolutely nothing when competing against the vast expanse of
>> mainstream liberal media.The rightist on the other hand is less prone
>> to novelty seeking, has a higher ingroup preference, and is more
>> averse to radical changes in the existing social and economic order.
>> Additionally, he is aware that his inferior numbers make his absence
>> in a democratic contest far more consequential than that of the
>> leftist. So he is far more averse to radically altering his thinking,
>> his social circles, or his political activity to favor a more
>> libertarian order.Thus, while libertarianism as a well thought out
>> philosophy would be more appealing to the rightist than the leftist,
>> the leftist gains undue influence in the libertarian social and
>> political scene. That leftist influence dilutes the body of thought
>> as left tainted media is produced and distracts from the writings of
>> the Rothbards and Hoppes of the world. They focus on equality and
>> diversity, which are not libertarian goals in the slightest. They
>> will favor recruiting women and non-whites into libertarian scenes,
>> even as these demographics tend to work against libertarian goals.
>> More leftists are attracted to the left tainted libertarian media,
>> and so more leftists are introduced into the social and political
>> circles and thus the cycle perpetuates itself to a point where
>> economics are barely even part of the discussion, and instead it
>> descends into senseless race baiting, feminism, and dare I incur the
>> ire of my regular readers by saying it, irrational hatred of military
>> and law enforcement. [end of partial quote]

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