oil supply sigint

juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 11:37:43 PST 2016

On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 03:34:37 -0500
grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 1:24 PM, juan <juan.g71 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >         nuke is worse than oil and has the same 'geopolitical
> >         dependencies'.
> I know it has sourcing and mining issues but we know
> safe open crowd reviewed plant designs and open
> inspections are possible for those bold enough to
> set aside secret corp profit bullshit, and obviously there
> are zero emissions, except for waste. 

	...waste being a serious, unsolved problem? 

> And maybe
> similar source reserve timescales as hydrocarbon fuels.
> >         "print energy for free" is obvious nonsense. Have you
> > bothered looking at the real numbers? Amount of energy that reaches
> > a particular place, efficiency and COST of the system to collect
> >         it?
> Yes deep sunbelt is a current requirement to break even
> on short term corp quarterly profit bullshit timescales.
> Longer term amortization vs hardware failure rate and
> maintenance seems doable there too, even a latitude out.
> There seems to be more efficiency yet to come,
> combined with what a global shift from hydrocarbon
> could do to economics there.


> Look at the installed base growth curve, they're not all
> dreaming lefty activists throwing their money away,

	I don't thinkt it's their moeny. It's the money they get
	through subsidies. But just in case I get accused
	of...something. Oil is heavily subsidized too.

> there's serious corps in there going for it. 

	Like suntech? =P Anyway, the underlying problem is that there's
	no real market for energy. The current energy 'market' being a
	poster child for crony capitalism, including the 'hight tech'

> So shoot me if I'm a bit bullish on nuke and solar / wind.
> For the next decade at least while efficiency,
> production, installs, and geopolitical / acceptance matures
> to be able to tell for sure.

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