oil supply sigint

Razer rayzer at riseup.net
Sun Dec 11 19:41:36 PST 2016

On 12/11/2016 07:19 PM, hozer at hozed.org wrote:
> So Trump is installing all these oil guys, and someone is
> creating a narrative of russians hacking the election, and
> it's all so overly bizzare I think I'm living in someones
> broken simulation matrix.
> Then I see
> https://www.emptywheel.net/2016/12/09/unpacking-new-cia-leak-dont-ignore-aluminum-tube-footnote/
> which says
> "But what about the implications that climate science will be squelched in addition to alternative energy development? They can purge anybody who worked on alternative energy, halt reporting about climate change, but they can't hide tankers floating out at sea chock full of oil. They can't hide the strategic petroleum reserve. They can't force the market to pay more for oil unless they truly shut off the spigots and the moves they are making suggest they are doing no such thing."
> So what's going on here? There's some kind of sigint here
> about oil, but I'm not quite seeing all the pieces.
> Are we out? Is it gone? Or do we just have some shadow
> government that's about to bust the petrodollar and
> go cryptocurrency because it's getting too hard to trace
> the cold hard cash flows when they go dark?
> Or is this leaking stuff just the intelligence community
> reminding Trump who's really in charge here. What I read of
> him is he'd be trivial to manipulate by some guys who have
> spent their lives installing puppet governments.

I'm only going to reply in brief and don't care to discuss or follow up
but essentially what's happened is all the 'easy oil'. The light sweet
stuff that just bubbles up out of the ground and is cheap to extract and
process is already sitting in reserve tanks in Saudi, Qatar etc.
Hundreds of square miles of facilities with a armies (literally) to
protect them. As it gets used, there simply isn't being enough oil
discovered at that sort of cost to replace it driving the cost up.
Almost every new 'find' the exploration companies make touted as
megafields turn out a few months or years later, without note in the
media, to be duds. As the oil becomes more expensive to process. from
the TRILLION DOLLAR WARS required to secure it, to the sludge they call
tar sands and Shale/Bakken oil that is SO expensive to turn into
anything usable that it's literally considered junk investing and a scam
by most energy market people, those increased costs show in the price of
the oil.

I recommend Paul Roberts "The End Of Oil" very highly. He does an
excellent job, in a dozen pages or so, of describing a modern history of
the middle east from the time Aramco shipped the first barrel of oil, to
the Persian gulf war with a lot about how Central Asia and Russian
oil/natural gas figure into the equation. Alternative energy. Energy
economics. Published in the 2004:

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