Global warming/climate change

Georgi Guninski guninski at
Tue Aug 16 23:46:01 PDT 2016

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 01:55:24PM -0400, John Newman wrote:
> I disagree, vehemently.  Global warming is not a red herring.  Permafrost is melting, oceans are rising and acidifying, and the future for big coastal cities is looking very bleak indeed.  There is a scientific consensus on this issue.
> But yes of course pollution does suck ass...

There was a thread about this in April 2016:
"Do you notice significant persistent change in climate?".

I see the climate changes in my lifetime so it is "fact" for me.

Likely someone profits from this, but someone will try to profit from
the destruction of Earth too.

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