Quantum entangled-photon Chinese satellite.

Sci Fith scfith at riseup.net
Thu Aug 4 14:32:19 PDT 2016

Quantum entanglement is real. Sounds like you have some reading to do. ;) basically once particles are associated they can communicate / stay in sync regardless of distance. Amazing stuff. 

> On Aug 4, 2016, at 4:33 PM, juan <juan.g71 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Aug 2016 16:49:12 +0000 (UTC)
> jim bell <jdb10987 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Apparently, that is true.   The tantalizing thing is that SOMETHING
>> APPEARS   (information, of some nature) to be transferred between one
>> particle and another, distant one, and yet there seems to be no way
>> to use that transfer to actually transmit useful FTL
>    Which sounds rather absurd no? Either this is ordinary EM
>    phenomena that propagate at the so called speed of light, or
>    it is something else which could propagate at 'faster than
>    light' speed. 
>    If 'something' is moving at faster than light speed, then some
>    information must be being transmitted. If no information is
>    being transmitted, then by definition, there's no way to measure
>    speed and the claim makes no sense.
>> (faster than
>> light) information.                 Jim Bell
>> From: Bastiani Fortress <bastianifortress at yandex.com>
>> Quantum entanglement does not provide information passing faster than
>> light, afaik. Either i misunderstood the news, or it's being falsely
>> advertised.
>> 5:43 AM, August 4, 2016, jim bell <jdb10987 at yahoo.com>:
>> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3720772/China-launch-unbreakable-quantum-spy-satellite-say-one-day-lead-megascope-size-Earth-spot-license-plate-Jupiter-s-moons.html
>> [quote]
>> China to launch unbreakable quantum spy satellite - and it could one
>> day lead to a megascope the size of Earth that could 'spot a license
>> plate on Jupiter's moons'Satellite produces entangled photon pairs
>> which form an encryption keyThese photons will theoretically remain
>> linked over great distancesThis means that any attempts to listen in
>> will be detected on the other sideScientists say this could one day
>> make for a secure global network 
>> Scientists in China are set to launch the world’s first ‘quantum
>> satellite,’ which could one day make for an ultra-secure global
>> communications network. The 1,300 pound craft contains a crystal that
>> produces pairs of entangled photons, which will be fired to ground
>> stations in China and Austria to form a ‘secret key.’ Entangled
>> photons theoretically maintain their link across any distance, and
>> according to the scientists, any attempts to breach this type of
>> communication would be easily detectable. [end of portion quoted]
>>                    Jim Bell
>> (I have big questions about some of these statements in this article.
>>  But given the subject matter, quantum entanglement, confusion by lay
>> individuals is to be expected.)

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