Quantum entangled-photon Chinese satellite.

Georgi Guninski guninski at guninski.com
Thu Aug 4 23:52:03 PDT 2016

On Fri, Aug 05, 2016 at 02:58:15AM -0300, juan wrote:
> 	And now I'm even more confused =P
> 	But let's go back to your first sentence. You have a couple of
> 	'entangled' particles. Trying to measure particle 'A' triggers
> 	a change in particle 'B' - is that what you are saying? 
> 	If that's the case, then you do have 'information transfer' -
> 	one bit. 
This appears to be the current consensus explained for


| Does quantum entanglement imply faster than light communication? (Intermediate)

I don't understand physics, so it well might be state
conspiracy ;)


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