[JUSTICE] The Netherlands to close more prisons: Here’s what Australia could learn.

Zenaan Harkness zen@freedbms.net
Thu Aug 18 02:48:52 PDT 2016

An example worth highlighting, at least compared to the USA and
Australian "justice" systems.

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The Netherlands to close more prisons: Here’s what Australia could learn

Debra Killalea  
August 3, 2016

Dutch Prison System: How it works

THE days are filled playing sport, reading, and practising new skills.
There is learning, course work and open communication with support
networks is strongly encouraged.

This may sound like a great place to learn, but this isn’t a university
or school campus.

It’s a prison and this is how the Dutch teach its offenders to keep out
of trouble.

It may sound like a soft touch but with talk of closing prisons, the
Dutch believe they have a lesson to teach the world when it comes to

While some countries struggle with overcrowding in prisons and crime,
the Netherlands intends to close its jails.

In March, the Dutch government revealed it had too many empty cells and
not enough prisoners to fill them.

It announced it was strongly considering closing five prisons, on top of
the 19 they already shut down last year because the national crime rate
continues to fall.

Justice Minister Ard van der Steur told parliament that not only were
judges imposing shorter sentences but criminals were spending less time
in jail.

He also claimed less serious crime was being reported according to The

The Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen (DJI) Custodial Institutions Agency,
which carries out the sentences, reveals more than 13,000 detainees are
held in the country’s prison system.

This cost the government an estimated 2 billion euro a year.

In an effort to reduce that cost, DIJ treat those undertaking prison
sentences a little differently and focus on rehabilitation rather than

According to a video produced last year by DJI, the philosophy behind
their work involves reversing criminal behaviour and therefore reducing
the risk of reoffending.

It may look like a university dorm, but this is how prisoners live in
the Netherlands. Picture: Youtube/DJI Source:YouTube

This involves an intense program of education, skill sharing and
undertaking courses which will better serve detainees once they are

Detainees also have access to an intensive support network once they are
back in the community.

Juveniles undergo more intensive programs with counselling, education
and parental support all crucial to ensuring as many of the 1600
youngsters in detention remain trouble free.

The crime rate in the Netherlands has decreased by an average of 0.9 per
cent in recent years, Sputnik News reported.

Just like the German system, the focus in the Netherlands is keeping
inmates engaged. Some even have the option of spending weekends at home.

Dutch prisons are full of social workers, mental health professionals
and lawyers.

A 2013 VIJ report revealed the emphasis is on “therapeutic culture” for
enabling inmates to return successfully to society.

In Germany, prison workers receive two years training before being
placed in the system in Germany compared to five weeks in the US state
of Colorado,Next Cityreported.

In both Germany and the Netherlands less than one in 10 convicted
criminal offenders are sent to prison compared to 70 per cent in the US.


Managing senior lawyer Jimmy Singh told news.com.au he believed we had a
lot to learn from the European approach.

Mr Singh, from Sydney Criminal Lawyers, said Australia had high
recidivism rates and the focus was on locking up offenders rather than
keeping them out of the system.

“NSW has some of the highest recidivism rates in Australia,” he said.

“In NSW 48 per cent of inmates returned to prison within two years.”

Mr Singh said he believed the Dutch and Swedes had it right when it came
to focusing on rehabilitation as recidivism rates were among the lowest
the world.

These cells are not what most of us imagine prison to look like.
Picture: Youtube/DJI Source:YouTube

“Dr Don Weatherburn from the Australian Bureau of Crime Statistics even
said between 2015-16 there was a 12 per cent increase in the prison
population,” he said.

“In Europe the emphasis is on diversion and rehabilitation, here it is
on punishment. I think the Europeans have definitely got it right.

“The statistics speak for themselves.”

He said he believed our tough bail laws and the scrapping of diversion
programs such as the Court Referral of Eligible Defendants Into
Treatment (CREDIT) was partly to blame.

He said sending people to jail didn’t always work especially when a
first-time offender was imprisoned with inmates serving time for much
more serious offences and mental health issues were not addressed.

Writing on the Sydney Criminal lawyers blog, Lawyer and Principal Ugur
Nedim said the Dutch model was so successful even Norway was sending
some of its prisoners there to fill the cells.

He pointed to falling crime rates in nearby Sweden as further proof the
European model worked in reducing crime and reoffending rates.

“Sweden’s prison numbers fell by about 1 per cent per year from 2004 to
2011,” he writes.

“Then, between 2011 and 2012, they declined by 6 per cent.”

He also highlighted a decision by the Swedish Supreme Court in 2011 to
give more lenient sentences for drug offences.

Mr Nedim said this meant inmates spent less time behind bars but also
made it easier for offenders to return to society.


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