Hackers spent at least a year spying on Mozilla to discover Firefox security holes – and exploit them

Georgi Guninski guninski at guninski.com
Sun Sep 6 04:26:35 PDT 2015

On Sun, Sep 06, 2015 at 11:01:39AM +0000, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Not to mention their plan to deprecate their extension API, which is the only
> thing still separating them from actually being Chrome.  It looks like there
> could be a race between them naturally driving their market share to zero
> before the API-deprecation, or the API-deprecation forcing the issue.

IMHO they will kick the bucket as soon as google
stop pouring money in them.

> What we'd really need is a reboot of the project to take it back to its roots,
> removing layers and layers of accumulated bloat and "features" no-one wants,
> run by dedicated developers who actually listen to their users rather than
> doing whatever they think is trendy (mostly just cloning Chrome) and forcing
> it on their users.  It'd be like Firefox rising anew from the ashes.  They
> could call it, oh, I dunno, something like "Phoenix".

Back to the roots?

According to quote:
"Roots are the branches down in the earth. Branches are roots in the air
-- Stray Birds".

If you want the roots, consider spamming Brendan Eich,
he has ideas about "expanding JS", which I won't comment.

If you ask me, starting from zero is better.

Likely, this will require nontrivial amounts of money.

>From experience, older mozilla code contained dereferencing 
NULL on purpose, which can only compete with certain openssl's
construct I don't quite remember well ATM (it was even funnier).

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