Suggest High-Signal Crew Ditch This for Reddit

Razer Rayzer at
Fri Oct 16 14:15:45 PDT 2015

DUDE! The last post before this: "Cryptome currently betraying, well,
everybody" (submitted 23 hours ago by kryogeniks) was THREE MONTHS previous!


On 10/16/2015 12:16 PM, Cathal Garvey wrote:
> Not gonna screed about this, anyone who feels about this shit like I do
> is probably going to get this already. CPunks is more noise than signal,
> even if the signal part is pretty good.
> Reddit is the only open source SocNet, and has topic-based enclosure (so
> no more firehose of stupidity on one's inbox) and downvoting to remove
> the idiocy if users set their clients to remove low-rated posts.
> I'm ditching this list, but see the higher-signal folks on Reddit at:
> Y'all can find me at /u/cathalgarvey if so inclined.
> It's been fun seeing people piss at one another about who's more native
> American, and who's a secret RU/GCHQ/NSA plant (hint: probably 80% of
> the active posters here).
> Peace out,
> Cathal

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