How to minimize one's damage in case the usa kicks the bucket?

Shelley shelley at
Sun Oct 11 17:21:44 PDT 2015

On October 11, 2015 4:47:21 PM Douglas Lucas <dal at> wrote:

> Reviving this thread. Where's the altruism in "how to minimize one's
> damage"? Why's the model here for resisting economic oppression a
> survivalist hiding in an encrypted bunker, rather than the people of
> Burkina Faso using sticks and rocks (not cryptography) to force
> oligarchs out of their country? In Mexico they were recently burning
> polling stations, but we were discussing hoarding Bitcoin to ensure our
> self-interest? Where's the idealism in such selfishness?

Not everyone believes that hoarding btc and hiding out in a cabin loaded 
for bear is the way to go.

Let me put it another way:  we are *long* past the torches and pitchforks 
stage in this country.  We can't just storm the Capitol and force the bums 
out anymore.  It's a sad fact that the 2nd Amendment enthusiasts are just 
going to have to come to terms with, or get droned trying.

For every Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, there are hundreds more we 
don't know about.  People on the inside who have no intention of publishing 
data and doing interviews or shaming officials; they are going to help take 
it down the only way it is still possible to do so.  They just don't 
broadcast what they're doing on public lists.

Also, some people view altruism as a weakness - and some believe it's not 
possible to act in an altruistic manner without expecting anything in 
return.  Those people probably live very empty lives.

That's my first and last comment in this thread (and now I'm really off to 
go watch Walkers bite it.)


> On 10/05/2015 03:51 AM, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> > The financial situation in the usa is quite grave.
> >
> > Assume very severe financial crisis hits the usa relatively soon causing
> > hyperinflation there and possibly in other countries.
> >
> > I am interested:  How to minimize one's damage in this situation?
> >
> > Some suspicions: Banks/exchanges are known Ponzi schemes, so how much
> > the banking system will remain intact is unclear to me.
> >
> > Some possibilities
> > real estate outside usa
> > gold (is gold certificate secure enough?)
> > bitcoins (some people got burnt, security of bitcoins not clear to me)
> > ???
> >
> > Please post political rants in other thread.
> >

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