Firefox 36+ listens on UDP:1900

Alexis Wattel alexiswattel at
Mon Mar 30 17:51:53 PDT 2015

Are people even aware that he gave only 1,000$ to this political movement? 
It's not like if it was 250,000 $, which would still be nothing compared to Mozilla's funding. 

I can't help to wonder how the hell they manage to spend their hundreds of meellions. Doesn't quite feel like free software now. 

Le 29 mars 2015 21:54:13 CEST, Jason McVetta <jason.mcvetta at> a écrit :
>On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Y G <ygwald at> wrote:
>> The actual issue with the whole Brendan Eich thing was that it was
>> basically just LGBT people being played off of Firefox for money.
>That sorry scene struck me as more of a public stoning.  A reminder to
>who were watching, that a life's work contributing to the good of
>(i.e. Free Software) means nothing.  Toe the official line on culture
>issues, or you will be ruthlessly eliminated.
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