Firefox 36+ listens on UDP:1900

Cathal Garvey cathalgarvey at
Mon Mar 23 07:38:12 PDT 2015

 > It is common knowledge that Mozilla are Google satellite,
 > releasing default Bing versions when they bargain for money.

It would be lovely if more people ponied up to the Foundation so they 
didn't have to make these tiny-yet-big-impact bargains.

 > More importantly, they ditched off their lead developer,
 > Brendan Eich, the creator of javascript at Netscape times,
 > because of made up gay-related donation scandal.

Well, it wasn't made-up, he donated to an anti-equality campaign (which 
is his right!) but put Mozilla's name next to his vote, which is not OK.

They didn't fire him IIRC, he stepped down after a wave of criticism 
which was probably excessive. Still, if I were a Mozillan I wouldn't 
want a CEO who had a prior history of using the company name to forward 
a personal religious agenda, no matter how great a developer he is.

All of which is outside scope for this list, so I'll stop there.

Firefox Hello, which might be to blame, is on-topic though; is that 
module even open source? Mozilla are really sinking fast (ahem, EME) as 
a thought-leading ideology hub, so it wouldn't surprise me to learn they 
were bundling closed-source-open-port-ware.

On 23/03/15 14:17, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 02:43:53PM +0100, rysiek wrote:
>> Go home, Mozilla. You're drunk.
> Just ranting.
> It is common knowledge that Mozilla are Google satellite,
> releasing default Bing versions when they bargain for money.
> More importantly, they ditched off their lead developer,
> Brendan Eich, the creator of javascript at Netscape times,
> because of made up gay-related donation scandal.

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