slur: you're going to hate it

Shawn K. Quinn skquinn at
Thu Jul 30 18:52:41 PDT 2015

On Thu, 2015-07-30 at 21:15 -0400, Nick Econopouly wrote:
> Paste for those who don't want to load the webpage:
> Slur: You're going to hate it.
> "Slur is an open source, decentralized and anonymous marketplace for the
> selling of secret information in exchange for bitcoin. Slur is written
> in C and operates over the Tor network with bitcoin transactions through
> libbitcoin. Both buyers and sellers are fully anonymous and there are no
> restrictions on the data that is auctioned. There is no charge to buy or
> sell on the Slur marketplace except in the case of a dispute, where a
> token sum is paid to volunteers. - See more at:

This is either going to be very good or very bad. Only time will tell
which way this goes.

Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at>

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