on money /2 (resend)

brian carroll electromagnetize@gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 11:29:39 PST 2015

(additional notes/thoughts on money & currency in relation to material
bank notes and electronic exchange of money & data, as this further
relates to profiling, tracking, surveillance, modeling, though also
culture, development, latent technological possibilities)

Here wanted to share a few more ideas related to the last post, if not
because they may be of a different than standard interpretation and
allow another viewpoint to consider in terms of what is/& not going on
in these terms. perhaps necessary to distinguish also situationally:
of the present situation, of a transitional condition of major changes
and paradigm shifts, and then a future totally redeveloped context
that may allow a more pure approach than relying on legacy systems of
dysfunction as the basis for further development, extended onward.

In the present day, it seems cryptocurrency is the placeholder or
trial for a future or transitional model of electronic currency that
the state (in its global context) could employ or deploy, wider than
the existing electronic payment and cash systems whether via welfare
support (in the US called EBT (electronic benefit transfer) for
foodstamps and-or cash support) or bank debit cards and credit cards,
which range from access to checking or savings accounts for card
holders, to prepaid cards that store value or represent stored value
that can be mediated via networked infrastructure as part of a payment

If considering alternative paper currencies that can legally exist (at
least in the US within certain guidelines), it would not seemingly be
too far off to imagine a 'bitcoin card' that could function as a
parallel payment system carried in a wallet and used on or offline, if
it were to be established in a widely distributed alternative currency
model that exists offline, in a context of these other (if competing)
systems. In that it could involve its own ecosystem of exchange, and
yet likely would be required at some point to be brought into line
with tax laws in some structural way, (unsure of existing status, how
these issues remain suspended) though the larger point is that issues
of security and privacy would be similar in nature to these other
similar systems, in which a level of robustness and protection would
be necessary for massive use of such an alternative, if it were to
become normalized.

(meaning: trusting good will of Satoshi Nakamoto would not be enough for this.)

And maybe this is the informal versus formalization aspect involved,
the difference between an experiment and a seemingly steady-state
system that would provide a parallel monetary system or alt.currency.

The difference here also being, in terms of state monetary resources
and those of the federal banking system, as it relates to 'money' that
is represented on these cards, then maps back to fiat currency and-or
bank-notes, which is represented by symbolic 'monetary bits' that are
numbers equated with a universally accessible exchangeable value
(exchange rate if outside the system or converting USD currency, if
paper or electronic currency, else inflationary/deflationary
sliding-scale of value, locally, on the longer-term, month-to-month,
year-to-year as things change, dynamics and relations mapped to price

In that, specifically, the dollar amount on these electronic cards of
the formal system can be traded for paper currency or cash and when
they exist as numbers representing money in an electronic system or as
an electronic monetary value (or sign or representation) this is a
coherent structural relationship between the numbers represented and
this larger ubiquitous fielded monetary system and its currency, paper
or electronic. The electronic money on the bank card is tied to
existing paper currency (though apparently 'electronic money' of banks
is not, and appears to be detached from the world and function as
'monetary information' as money, which appears to be the foundation
for financialization, monetary engineering in which new monetary value
can be created ex nihilo via various calculations and esoteric
calculus, if not disembodied from the world in an abstract and
separated realm, not just beyond the gold standard of the past, though
also beyond the standard of 'trust' that is the basis for establishing
money itself in terms of shared exchange, where something recognized
the same can be made transferable. It that it seems to be "theoretical
money" involved in some way, at least from a naive outside viewpoint -
and here is where the 'bitcoin approach' seems quite similar to what
is going on internally, within the state and within banks and
financing sectors, it all rests upon issues of trust at the base of
the system, and thus what if monetary exchanges and the currency
becomes ungrounded via such calculative acrobatics, as with the nature
of theoretical physics of a wrong cosmology, unchecked.)

This is to imagine that perhaps the actual situation of formal systems
of money today are very much like the intangibility of other start-up
electronic currencies, it just so happens one of these is a de facto
global standard and seemingly regulated at least externally at the
level of citizenry and businesses. And yet simultaneously appears to
be 'highly virtual' as money, where it exists increasingly as bits or
virtual currency, where money is data or 'information', in that a
simple display of numbers with a dollar sign ($10) in a certain
context is a legal guarantee of such funds and allows them to be
exchanged or transferred in an electronic context, as well as offline.
Thus for instance, e-commerce as a surrounding environment, where
online development occurs and is tied back into the offline world,
where the virtual meets the artificial and nature realms outside of
the infrastructure. In this way, the bank note with RFID is partly
tied into this accounting system and its various dimensions and
dynamics, and moreso the bank card and credit card, which then carry
'information' about money, or have access to this money, and can
mediate exchanges in various scenarios (such as over the telephone,
online, at a cash register POS machine, or an ATM). In this way, there
is a grounding of what appears to be money, its representation as
data, and its actualization as a shared system everyone operates
within to varying degrees, as this becomes the great leveler in
relation to other issues, how they connect, relate, function or
malfunction or short-circuit or fail to exist or be modeled in these
terms, which range from beneficial to malicious & cruel.

The strange thing is, this money system has become so detached from
its core issue of common trust, so ungrounded in terms of what is
"represented" by the currency, which is an agreed upon connection
between people of a shared state or condition to mediate events in
these terms, that instead of this monetary system serving -everyone-,
instead it has become onesided and an entropic like migration occurs
via a structural imbalance that moves money from one sector of society
into another, which then correlates with power based on this money,
and the money has less value in certain contexts and more value in
other areas (peoples, business sectors) given the way these dynamics
can be mediated and subverted, against the other side of a supposedly
shared exchange.

In that bad faith can become the standard basis for exchange, which
leads to unshared exchange, someone pays for something they do not
receive, or that their work is not accurately mapped into the income
level while for others it is exponentially inflated, and these
dynamics are not agreed upon and instead are the work of politics and
class differentiation and discrimination and otherwise. So there is
not a level relation occurring in the basic dynamics of exchange,
which is supposedly based on a shared assumption of value, that today
is now 'virtualized.'

For previous generations the shared value or recognizable common truth
that is at the core of fair exchange then mapped to gold or other
storable value that was not just of a rare and prized metal - it was
also philosophical in meaning, in terms of ideas (and cosmology) as
this relates to alchemy and core religious meaning. In that 'the sun'
maps into this gold standard, as does 'the one' of a shared view and
understanding. As this progressed to a more abstract less worldly form
of guarantee, it seems to have relied upon the state itself as this
basis for trust in a common view for exchange, that citizens had other
citizens in their own best interest and would seek to swindle one
another to gain money because their own trust would be impinged and
force censure or other forms of reprisal for corrupted actions in
these communal terms. Somehow even this 'shared state' or condition
has evaporated, which seems to coincide with the rise of untethered
theorization of society, which in its best aspects is like poetric
philosophy, (insightful metaphysics), and at its worst a false
ungrounded doctrine that is the basis for a deception and false
perspective and worldview, the basis for establishing and sustaining a
collective il/de-lusion.

The basis for a collective beneficial exchange between people seems to
have potentially begun or been established in a bounded aristocratic
framework that served interests of a shared empirical set (powerful
interconnected males/ else the public and private patriarchal
'son/sun' as a shared identity and basis for the collective reasoning
and representation of values, goals, ideas, planning, direction) as
this then literally mapped to valuable metals (gold as the basis for
currency) and issues of wealth and prestige and in some sense, the
height of this culture.

What appears to have occurred since its material and tangible
detachment is that money and currency appear to be more and more just
about information and the dollar sign ($) as a guarantee of a certain
institutionalized value, a symbolic mark that is essentially capable
of representing an arbitrary custom-bank note value, to the decimal
point, into a realm of pennies if not beneath this once limiting
threshold due to its functioning in an abstract realm of numbers and
calculations, primarily.

So long as the state is cohesive, such a federal system and
international order of shared currency seemingly could continue
functioning as the common standard, as if there is some 'shared truth'
underneath it all, a common viewpoint and value or *trust* that is
held in common between people. And yet, if the state itself were to
fracture internally, and citizen is held against citizen in a
competing realm of survival of the fittest, the monetary system could
be undermined, and the value represented by money and held underneath
this global system could evaporate, if the exchanges became
structurally unfair, yet guaranteed by this same money. For instance
paying for an online good and then being sent a broken item and not
being able to return it or have legal recourse for the swindle,
ripoff, or predatory business practices as this is institutionalized
and made normal in the day to day.

This then transforms the realm of money, where banks and institutions
and the state itself can represent such hostile forces functioning
against populations, the citizenry, in a lopsided system of exchange,
which then funnels value (and work, especially) out of certain sectors
and into others, via entropic loss of value or devaluing and the
artificaial or rigged increase of value in other areas as if a natural
balancing and yet it is instead engineered this way, as a form of
political and fictionalized subversion, again to support a certain
limited group and their interests at the expense of the many.

The same money in a poor person's hands and a rich person's are of
different value. The poor person can pay exorbitant rates comparable
to their income for items that have no impact on the rich person
because they have vast surplus money and it has essentially no effect
or impact on their livelihood. The poor person can be ripped off by
exchange and has no representation or recourse, while the rich person
can rip off people and be legally protected in doing so, because of
having this "communal" money. And yet exist only to serve themselves
(as the one, the sun, the symbolic son, when in a context of heavenly
patriarchy whether secularized or not, god the empirical father, &c.)
Thus identity and ego and religious-like belief in self worth and
others lesser worth and moral inferiority can be mapped to these
monetary dynamics, which then define relations and this is how people
are also institutionally mediated, and 'representation' occurs within
the state and government. Numbers and accounting for things the basis
for communication about a fictitious, highly warped, onesided
privileged censorial vantage of the status quo.

The point being that 'truth' that should be at the center of this
modeling of money is not there, and instead it is based on an
ungrounded and unshared belief that is the basis for 'exchange' which
has since collapsed and exists in a corrupted or fallen realm, this
then directly connected to issues of the US Constitution that
established these dynamics, in that they began and persist in a
structural context of _private-man and private mankind, given all the
power in society to that subset group that can act in its own
self-interest without consideration of others, with legal backing  and
supported by state violence. In that "the enlightenment" viewpoint was
limited, bounded to private man's beliefs and 'his truth' which should
be easy to recognize today as subjective when universalized to
everyone viewpoint which it cannot represent, if only in terms of
varying demographics, though also, which makes mankind the basis for
community, a private category that is then an enclave for 'the public'
only insofar as it benefits the privileged in that specific class and
categorization, whereby maximal advantages are provided to this
'reasoning' and viewpoint, and maximally represented  structurally,
including as the basis for the shared exchange and trust and truth
involved in money. Not like a private man's views of the world could
be wrong or faulty, especially if they believe they are actually God.

So it quickly moves into tyranny the moreso the issues are ungrounded
and unchecked, as this correlates with 'trust me' in terms of exchange
and money, where one citizen is then disadvantaged in an exchange that
advantages another citizen, and thus flows of money migrate towards
privileged groups who benefit and exploit and believe in these
dynamics, if not as a reinforcement of a narrowed belief system, of
their own superiority. This in terms of 'private man' as superman, as
it relates to ego and action in the world, including over others, as
if this is a moral victory of those fit over those deemed unfit.

And the thing is, money today is completely mapped to that ideological
assessment, that is the basis for the existing value of money today,
as over centuries it has become detached from a human and equitable
viewpoint and serves only some of the population at the expense of
others, as this relates to work, to development, to reasoning, and how
censorship and legal and political and police and other dynamics
protect the worldview, enabling the house of cards to remain standing,
where 'untruth' or falsity is at the center of the currency that is
being exchanged, traded, and mediates 'human relations' in terms of
private mankind, set against other men and in particular women and
human beings in their public and private dimensions. What man needs to
survive and conquer others in this system then maps to the id of
surveillance, the police state regime, and accounting for other data
in these same warped, onesided, and self-benefiting terms to those

So imagine if the monetary system is believed by the hotshots to back
their narcissistic and egotistic views and self-belief as if they are
the gold standard for everything else that is occurring, the
foundation and structure and manifest cosmic forces, as if
pseudo-truth or ungrounded theoretical beliefs are unerring as binary
ideological projections, and these "the observers" infallible in their
superior viewpoints and awareness others unfit and lesser cannot
understand, as this maps to their feelings and self-worth, except that
if untrue and unreal this condition would be instead the
centralization of everything in opposite terms, where instead of gold
these people are lead, and economics and politics and society are
being mediated in such frameworks instead, as if highest nature
instead of lowest nature, and that it is a vast illusion and delusion
and essentially institutionalization of madness that then is mediated
in terms of power and brute force to conform other dissenting views,
including keeping truth outside the false framework and effectively
religious belief system, except that the gods enshrined are these men
and those connected with their despotism.

This is what is mediated by the US dollar as paper currency, believed
to be gold in its symbolic value, when instead organizing everything
in terms of these principles of lead. The more this value system is
informationalized, made symbolic and calculable as data, the more
power is accrued within this corrupt system, to further enforce such
corruption. In this way, the creation of new money out of nothing,
either as information or though the exploitation of information (as
currency, and via its monetization) carries with it a power structure
and social terms that rely upon expropriation of human worth and
value, and of various other values and principles, including of
females, women, and nature itself, if not beings in general and life,
which then is subjugated and forced into these antihuman and anti-life
and anti-nature hidden terms and conditions, beyond any checks and
balances as this is legally backed by the corrupt bug-ridden US
Constitution that allows for all of this.

So it is all okay, then, because a bunch of rich patriarchs hundreds
of years ago are held to be infallible as founding fathers.... except
not. They themselves provisioned that this is a trap, and needs to be
revised, upon future awareness and higher reasoning and truth yet
'reason itself' broke down via binary viewpoints and has since shut
down other perspectives to a monologue of rightness based upon
bureaucratized power run by centralized computer. In this way the god
as state, except it is a non-living entity, dumb-AI, in service to a
subset that has no qualms about enslaving and exploiting others for
power, profit, and their pleasure. So everyone can suffer as long as
it benefits them, and what does not benefit them must not be allowed
to exist, else the entire system is delegitimated. The state thus made
tyrannical. And not just locally, this occurring globally,
institutionally, organizationally, via policies that are effectively
operating beyond reason, and with illiterate populations unable to
reason due to such devolutionary policies and frameworks and
continuing and ongoing development, as antihuman culture. In this way
the state is in service to private corporations of rich citizenry,
where police, lawyers, and doctors mediate middle and lower class
citizenry and the poor. The government itself in its representation is
hollowed out and instead it is mediated in terms of monetary worth as
a determiner of exchange and citizen value, proportionally, such that
lawyers are the representatives of the citizenry with the state, not
those elected for policy, and their decisions are on behalf of power,
who has or will gain more money, in effect, as a basis for who is
right or what truth supports the more powerful in a given scenario. It
is just extremely ugly and ungodly, where shared governance of
citizenry then becomes unshared and mediated by politics of policing,
medicine, and legal rights, to onesided privileged benefit most often
correlated to power as the shared and higher authority, and not of
cosmic truth.

So there is an enlightenment/anti-enlightenment situation involved, of
a grounded perspective that can be shared by citizenry and an
ungrounded (also increasingly virtual or reliant on this) belief of a
subset that functions as and believes itself superior, the authority,
the ruling class, though of course in hidden or cryptic terms. In this
way, an invasion of the US by an incoming hostile population sent to
conquer territory can replace the citizenry and operate within these
self-beneficial conditions, while those on their own home territory
can become disenfranchised and destitute via these polarized dynamics.
If anything, it is most apparent in the luxurification and
luxification of the middle-class lifestyle and easy money for certain
groups of people (sans cultural insight and instead, new forms of
factory labor though in terms of web skills, art galleries, etc) where
'new royalty' appear out of nowhere, and have upper-middle-class
lifestyles sustained within such a bubble, of no financial issues
whatsoever, able to eat out every meal with incomes at jobs that do
not support such expenditures, with butler and concierge service via
mobile Apps, the very industry most supporting this skewed worldview,
and yet on the inside of this there is no higher understanding or
truth that is the ancient connection with grounded royal hierarchy, of
its spiritual dimension, and instead there is nothing there except
base materialism at play. Again, lead instead of gold, as this then
represents 'the masses' and self-beneficial collective decision-making
of a particular self-interested private group or subset, siphoning
away the commons for such unchecked excess, that also directly
correlates with ego and immorality, and that anything goes via
relativistic beliefs, and others are lesser beings to be exterminated.

In this way, if you try to function as a human being within such an
upside-down world in its ideological operation, lines of force exist
to punish and force conformance and submission to the private
collective diktat that is actually based in falsity and ungrounded
information and unshared value at its center, mediated and represented
and symbolized by money. A person may only function at one percent of
their actual capacity, and may simply struggle to survive or adapt and
remain sane or cognizant within such an antihuman condition, thus
weathering the onslaught or downfall or fall the historic state
itself, while imposters may be operating at 100% of their capacity as
mimics or drones to perform symbolically in roles & routines,
standing-in as 'representatives' or citizens though while against
human citizenry, hostile to human being and principles of life, love,
privacy, freedom, truth, democracy, etc. In this way, the fractional
ability of human action then is combined and parts so divided in a
non-empirical framework of the false perspective, of relativistic
religious-like beliefs, then cannot combine into a whole viewpoint and
thus the unshared view moves further towards zero the more that human
citizens combined cannot relate in literate and complex terms, leading
to hypothetical 0.000000000001 percent operational capacity of human
agency in the world, versus 100% for the antihuman forces secured
within fallen state bureaucracy, which then becomes the overseer and
judge/jury/executioner based on evaluated fitness, though outside
legal frameworks and inside these other realms of exchange and

Human efficiency, aptitude and agency per individual nearly negligible
in the world today, whereas the entirety of humanity is serving these
other interests to its own demise. In that everything is moving to
that subset group, all advantages, all surplus, all rights, and it is
also the view in charge of the surveillance apparatus, the overseer,
or believed so. In this way 'the great eye' at the top of the pyramid,
yet which may have issues of myopia, or perhaps even be blind to
certain dimensions, if not testing and grounding vision to truth and
instead correlating and focusing on an unreal, ungrounded view of
cosmic relation. In that falsity may be what is aligned with, or bad
ideas, or warped beliefs, false perspective.

In this way the false economy, the faux society, lavender tattoos and
fleur-de-lis piercings while such populations are shuttled to one
location and other via personal Uber chauffeurs.

In such a context then, "information" about people that is treated as
if forests for pioneers to extract as a natural and free resource to
make other things from, exploit to the fullest for self benefit
regardless of connected ecology, to the point of practices of
deforestation and ecological devastation. The business model
apparently is: get or be given stuff for free, and then resell it at
maximal cost and reap the rewards. Best practice is having the people
exploited pay or volunteer for this expropriation of private value (of
data, other) and then mine or otherwise subvert interactions to again
maximally extract value whether in legal or illegal terms, as this
relates to privacy, citizen rights, and issues of property that can be
disregarded in such a hidden and advantageous, unregulated 'morally
free market'; humans like nature exist to be exploited by others who
are unlike, for their own advantage. This then closely aligned with
issues of slavery and colonization, though in the form of subverted
consumer electronics and apps as the new wave of antihuman
colonization, and yet this is not made explicit due to protected
interests, signed pieces of paper that armies of lawyers, the police,
the state itself protect to allow for this 'commons' relation.

So this is what money is in the middle of, these are the dynamics, and
what it could or once represented was a common shared value that no
longer exists between people, who are now in oppositional terms as
citizens, of two separate and competing states, one functioning
against its declared governing principles by exploiting legal
loopholes as a basis for establishing power and overtaking the state
as its tyrannical antithesis.

The only piece of code able to address and engage this situation
allowing for military takeover in a state of emergency, and a
constitution convention to reboot the state in new and better terms,
as agreed to by those convening in a new universal framework. This
could be antihuman, and lead to the loss of the state itself, or human
and the regaining of the state and its rewiring and redevelopment in
terms of our humanity.

Cryptography would probably be absolutely necessary to pursue such a
path and yet it appears self-evident that crypto cannot be allowed to
exist, that would enable such private communication that could
threaten hidden and ruling conspiratorial interests. Thus all crypto
must remain broken for the antihuman state to remain safe & secure.

In this way, this is the immediate situation encountered with issues
of currency as this spans from monetary systems to monetization of
data and the centralization of auditing and accounting that functions
as money, as currency, in terms of power that uses this to reinforce a
certain biased or relativistic truth while censoring out others that
may devalue ungrounded perspectives (on economics, other evidence,
data, etc).

So while trials of alternative currency may exist locally offline or
even globally online, and systems of barter or various ecosystems of
exchange/trade could be established, it remains within this
overwhelming and oppressive default condition, which then is the
prevailing force that determines what can and will happen, via its
implementation and the potential for its subversion, how it can be
maximally exploited in these same terms.

Thus suggestions about what to do, say to establish a national
cashless system, then occurs in a context of previously mentioned
biased structures of taxation as well as other forms of leveraging and
imbalances, that then would be further secured by the uncritical or
uncareful rollout of such options or advances, making it all easier
for the exploiters and all the more difficult and painful for the
exploited, via unnecessarily increased suffering that by comparison
can be exponential, in support of such tyranny.

So near-term there is immense danger at doing anything without first
recognizing the actual condition, parameters, dynamics, and stakes
that exist in the questions and issues of development, particularly so
highly connected technological systems that create massive centralized
efficiencies that disenfranchise more local realities which are never
accounted for or censored out or managed away via planned dysfunction.
If this condition were addressed in straightforward terms, it may be
possible to proceed in a way that protects people and prevents such
dynamics from worsening, which can involve state and regional
governance and federal and international changes in policy.

And so what presently exists in the span of electronically-tagged bank
notes, debit and credit cards, stored valued and prepaid cards, is
already operating within this domain, as are other forms of electronic
payment and barter, including 'rewards cards' and 'points' or
electronic tallied perks that span dollar value currency to other
forms, which feasibly could be mediated by a single device or card
system in the future. In this way, the up-and-coming Apple Watch could
be the device most likely to mediate the depth and breadth of this
situation, from taxation (hidden and overt) to payments (debit and
credit to rewards cards to bitcoin exchange) and yet this
concentration is also potentially a weak-spot for the individual and a
maximal pressure point for those targeted in these dimensions,
allowing more coherent control within a single device that could be
used for exploitation, subversion, illegal monitoring, and on and so

There would need to be a transitional scenario to address these
concerns within a sufficient legal framework that protects citizens
and establishes a new set of rules, for such integrated systems to
operate in more bounded terms of expropriation of data and details
that can be used against and disenfranchise human populations.

Central to this would be a new infrastructure that allows for the
conceptual rewiring of existing Internet of Things (IoT) ideology into
a protected framework that serves and does not exploit common human
interests for others to profit from this tyranny.

The situation with money and currency is core to this. A new standard
is needed to reestablish currency within a context and framework of
truth, so rules of fair exchange are known and enforceable,
establishing the shared social,economic,governing structure.

It is likely the only way to accomplish this is through electronic
currency, whereby the dynamics of the paper system are let go of, or
released, and mediated in other terms more beneficial to economic
principles than producing physical placeholders for value that devalue
the monetary system itself. A penny more expensive to produce than its
own value, (googled: "It costs the federal government 2.4 cents to
make a penny and 11.2 cents to make a nickel."). This is obviously
backward and counterproductive yet insanely the normalized ungrounded
situation, the default everyday nonsense scenario.

To get to a new monetary system or at least electronic currency, there
is no way this can be achieved without first addressing the relation
between currency and taxation, which is one issue in a context of
paper currency, and another in a context of data as both currency and
representative of money itself (i.e. guaranteed dollar sign amount).

The big view involves necessary to comprehend dynamics that today the
tax system and money both are frictional and function against economy,
and this directly connects with data likewise that is limited by these
forces in moving around or circulating in terms of its value, which
can be monetized though also or more fundamentally, its relation to
truth that can be accessible and achieved through reasoning, if made
available/allowed. To free up data in a context of public and private
infrastructure will require addressing issues of its taxation to
enable public subsidy of the IoT infrastructure within a public
framework and dimensions, this comparable to the need for the US as a
nation when established to develop a federal national parks system
[ref.ecddr], state parks, and greenways (such as the beautiful Twin
Cities, or Central Park in NYC by Frederick Law Olmsted), including
areas for recreation, fishing, baseball, picnics, dances, concerts,
iceskating and skiing, trails for hiking, nature preserves, etc. This
reflected shared public values of the citizenry to participate and
interact and stay connected with nature as the basis for values, which
has since eroded and been commercialized, turned into simulacrum, as
if everywhere is now a sector of an unacknowledged private Disney

A private corporation cannot represent or establish this shared public
realm without distorting it to its narrowed business interests,
involving a different motivating agenda. Instead, to create that
public realm of data exchange would require public subsidization to
allow for its development and sustenance, to enable exchange and
interconnection in a wider realm of human interests and values, such
as knowledge, cultural development, learning and education, policy and
government planning and citizen representation and public-private
collaboration mediated in the public sphere, not behind closed doors,
in this way an agora for debate and discussion and commons, for
culture to exist within.

The insular, proprietarized introverted self-focused internet then
could be extroverted and brought out of its shell and more fully
integrate with peoples lives in a balanced way, including with issues
of security and privacy (cryptography related, if of integrity) and
yet to accomplish this 'data' itself would need to be addressed in the
same way that paper currency and taxation likewise need to be, in that
the granularity or the existing 'decimal' level resolution is
completely insufficient to mediate issues of fair exchange and fair
tax and shared value in these existing warped structural dynamics and
a new higher resolution, micro- or fractional-value is needed in a
data context that allows microtransactions and microdata (IoT) to
exist instead of the default issues of audiovisual bandwidth for
telecommuncations and big-pipe infrastructure layouts that
functionally extort money to provide access, where scarcity is
establishing maximal profit at the price of maximal friction for
'ideas' and 'reasoning' in the form of data that is either locked away
or untransmissable due to red tape, barriers, ownership laws that turn
something public into a private confined property that is valued by
limited access yet is unjust in nature, and so on.  Everything
backwards, cannibalistic, to profit by not allowing things to happen,
by hoarding, preventing, instead of freeing, interacting, building, it
is erosion of interaction, knowledge, reasoning, ideas, etc. It is the
Dark Ages 2.0 when in an information society of maximal communication
shared truth has gone missing, empirical logical reasoning, instead
relativism is ubiquitous, clueless to its own isolated individuated
egoistic narcissistic condition. There is no knowledge within
computing systems, within networking, beyond that of a highly biased
tyrannical STEM framework that is the ruling technocratic ideology,
that outside of its own parameters is completely ignorance and instead
seeks to engineer culture while representing it in a quantified
worldview, as if that simple. In this way the issue of theology and
religion without truth or morality at the center, and instead an
ideological version of onesided pseudo-truth believed universal and
the just and legitimate framework to legislate collective reality in
scientific terms. In this way experimentation on human populations
occurs, illegal spying to gather data for social engineering, and so
to, denial of public services, for such a goal and ideal of the utopic
state of an ungrounded subset that is beyond external regulation,
existing on the inside of the hidden state, turning dials and pulling
levers of control.

If these dynamics could be dealt with, some vastly improved margin of
safety and realignment for the common human good and its welfare, then
microtax and this microdata could relate to microfinancing, and
various currency systems could co- exist in a shared framework. Such
that the entrepreneurial imperative of the citizen could be realized
in a sufficient framework necessary to realize its potential, such
that telework and other visions could become standardized and resolved
in terms of the previous domains of bureaucracy, which instead of
limiting interactions can be made to allow easy and secured and
guaranteed fair exchange, such that any interaction in terms of money
could be automatically micro-taxed, whereby the previous issues of
paperwork and auditing are not held as a Damocles sword over an
individual's life, for trying to do something, and instead could be
infrastructural and made as friction-free as possible. At the same
time, data itself, its movement or transfer within certain parameters
(such as IoT device-to-device or work output) could involve a basic
structural microtax, subpenny, a tiny fractional amount that is
tallied in the background that is extremely nominal per person,
perhaps nearly nonexistent in terms of small coinage per interaction
or day, though adds up in the background as a support for sustaining
infrastructure, and thus provides the basis for subsidizing free
public transaction spaces for interaction of devices and people
outside a corporate controlled and defined framework. In this way, if
the taxes are automatically dedicated and defined in highly sane terms
which are essentially mediated entirely in a realm of electronics and
numbers and nothing to do with paper currency or production of money,
beyond an interface device (say currency card as meta-note) then lots
of things could be possible that would allow short-term interactions
in business and legal frameworks that then remove the threat of
prosecution due to error or misreading or incapacity to deal with the
bureaucracy that is purposefully unable to be mediated except by means
of a professional middle-man which can exploit these dynamics
politically, such that especially for the poor, no actions can be
taken without retaliation and further repression for trying to operate
at a higher level than the ruling class will allow, as this is
enforced by IRS audits and monitoring, even of the poor, at the dollar
level, this protecting power of millionaires and billionaires of great
excess and surplus.

(When is the last time you have had the power cut to your apartment
complex in retaliation for having a coffee and banana bread at a cafe
as a birthday gift? This indicating the entrenched level of corruption
involved, its operational peak in wielding the power grid,
telecommunications and surveillance to oppress.)

What the future could hold, in this situation could be transformed,
would be a realm that moves from a basic electronic currency that is
guaranteed in truth, via a new constitutional and thus legal
framework, is the unification of services including public and
private, within a shared system of interaction and access.

The grocery rewards points and airline miles of credit card today
could be the approach to systems of barter or tiered access and
achievement. For instance, the issue of Boy Scout merit badges
translating a series of skills and aptitudes into an electronic
structure instead, when then could be compiled per individual as to
what events are tallied in such a system, as personal circuity,
cartography of the self, whereby like degree programs at University,
self-learning could occur via attending a particular class at one
location or institution, and then another at another time or space, as
these compile into a self-learning framework that can become an
education and lead to employment or vocation or other approaches. In
this sense, money as data, though also the gamification potential of
learning and incentivizing certain learning and skill building,
training, taking risks, etc. As this then can inform and develop a
culture that is coherent, serving its needs and larger goals. Such as
conservation programs for natural environments & wildlife, or
volunteering as requirement for other perks that could be mediated
privately and-or publicly, by businesses, governments, even within
families as incentive. Thus in some sense like a running curriculum
vitae, though across all areas.

In this way, a non-monetary system that is about data as currency
could also be established, in particular government support of
institutions that then could change data dynamics likewise. For
instance government funding for a museum could enable a perk akin to
those for corporate workers, that a family or person would have a
token to visit the museum twice a year for free, based on this public
subsidy and also its benefit to shared culture and literacy. And
perhaps even barter could occur between people, if someone wanted to
see the orchestra. This would level the field for those without money
to still participate in the culture versus banning people based on not
having enough money to be included or to participate or be represented
within culture. Likewise, if a digital picture frame the size of a
large painting were commonplace, say an electronic ink version, then
this same museum may allow the loan via copyright of a single image of
an artistic work from their museum archive to be displayed via fair
use in homes and dwellings, as part of this extension and
interconnection of shared value. It costs nothing, except it mediates
issues of property and copyright differently, in human public and
private terms and not just onesided selfish private terms.

In such a context, perhaps a person carries an avatar or some
intelligent agent or their pseudonyms and a level of anonymity along
with them in these systems, or that they can microfinance and allocate
support to certain indiegogo/kickstarter like personal initiative at
the level of penny stocks, though multiplied to millions of
participants with small fluctuating amounts though secured through
temporary or limited contracts, in this way microloans or investments
that may socially benefit though not return money back to the person
and instead develop culture or others capacity or programs, some
moreso than others, including via the ability of the citizen to direct
a proportion of their taxes into these variable programs, thus to have
their interests served or represented by the distribution of their tax
revenue. Thus scholarships may be funded decentrally or a public
garden or an experiment, though perhaps within a higher realm of
expectation than today, non-trivial and instead of creating and
supporting junk, that an auditing of the ideas is involved such that
it is of value to invest in, and reflects the principles of a given
person or people to support. And thus foolishness or wastefulness may
not predominate as the ground-up cultural development, funding pension
funds for lazy digerati.

So too, the literal realm of games, whereby perhaps a global videogame
system is established and mediated in these same dynamics, as well as
within education whereby a 'dream center' would allow each citizen to
develop their skills within a grant-framework, honing their
self-understanding through step by step development and then creating
a structure to place them optimally within society for maximal
contributive effect, via these same means, mechanisms, and structural
dynamics. So for instance, like an urban treasure hunt today or gps
waypoints in a wilderness obstacle course, so too education or
learning or skill development or life itself, for instance going to
location A (which may be a business) and mediating it within a certain
set of parameters (say for a game or educational skills) and having
this data tallied into the data currency framework, opening doors
literal or figurative, whereby the labyrinth can be exited if finding
and following the string of education.

-- anything less is tiddlywinks --

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