
Eric Mill eric at
Sun Oct 26 17:24:49 PDT 2014

John, that was a beautiful email.

I sincerely hope it is both the introduction and the coda to this
intersection of cpunks and GamerGate. Let's just move on from here.

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 8:26 AM, John Young <jya at> wrote:

> I had not followed GamerGate until today's New York Times
> article about it. Nor followed games, so the controversy is
> new to me. But not the issues involved, which are prevalent
> online and off. Particularly in testosterone-rich enterprises like
> military, spies, armaments, sports, weapons, ideology,
> religion, education, society, civilization, humanity, existence
> itself. In all of these, the stronger violently dominate the
> weaker and do so with the psychotic belief that this is
> the way it should be, natural.
> In war and peace, in human exploitation of animal and earthly
> domains, in climate degradation, in force-feeding "democracy,"
> in cruel treatment of women's bodies and neglect of children,
> in just about every aspect of torturous "advancements in
> civilized peoples" in the course of inventing and applying
> ever greater and more vicious ways to kill, maim, starve
> and over-populate earthlings by male rape in all guises
> of wargames.
> Games are a reflection of the this much greater conceit
> of male dominance in all institutions, all of them, even those
> which spout diversity and affirmative action and grant minimal
> access to privileged male sanctuaries -- no matter the skin
> color, ethnicity, faith, location on earth.
> It is argued that male aggression inherent and can at best
> be somewhat controlled by law and social compact. That is
> a comfortable apologia by male supremacists in law and
> social compacts dominated by them with intellectual and
> economic arrogance. All institutions measure accomplishment
> by male-derived standards to tip the balance in favor of those
> rigged games.
> GameGate is too limited in scope, so much that it should
> be seen as a male-dominated diversion, a game, to avoid
> addressing the origin and sustaining influence of male
> way of thinking, doing, making, competing, surviving, by
> lying, cheating, killing, ruling in all aspects of existence,
> simulated in games, trained for in games, monetized by
> games designers and producers, applauded and lauded
> in halls of power and control, in prizes and awards, in
> cemetaries and statues, in art and science, in accumulation
> concentration and monopolization of wealth.
> No game this larger world, this wargame of "ballsy"
> potentates in military, policy, spying, media, sports,
> taxation, playing obsessively the "law of men enforced
> by lawmen."
> At 12:10 PM 10/25/2014, you wrote:
>> Hello
>> John, what do you think about GamerGate?
>> cheers,
>> George.

-- | @konklone <>
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