Fwd: [Announce] GnuPG 2.1.0 "modern" released

katana katana at riseup.net
Fri Nov 7 11:40:59 PST 2014

Hi odinn,

> Explain what this means in plain English for users of Enigmail and
> what they need to do.

mmh, today, i have compiled it under Ubuntu Trusty and it works with
Enigmail 1.7.2 without problems. The key search with dirmngr/gnutls
doesn't run (or i don't understand it), so i'm using GnuPG 2.0.X for it
as before. But imo, you need GnuPG 2.1 - with Enigmail - only, if you
want to use or try the new ECC keys.


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