You need to update your Flattr account

coderman coderman at
Sun Jul 6 23:27:15 PDT 2014

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Odinn Cyberguerrilla
<odinn.cyberguerrilla at> wrote:
> ... there are alternatives for the users so (use of some
> decentralized virtual currency options) wouldn't necessitate what you are
> proposing even in countries where you might be faced with it.  Flattr is
> wrong.  Flattr is fail.

sounds like they are also incompetent:
4. Flattr has abandoned Bitcoin funding because of “technical issues”.
Can you be more specific? What was the exact problem? Was Bitcoin used
at all ?

The payment provider had a window of payment of 15 minutes, too many
transactions did not arrive during this time and gave us way to many
technical issues and admin overhead. Not to say unhappy customers.
Bitcoin was used, but it was just a few % of the money added to the
system each month. Meaning the problems it caused could not be
justified economically.

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