Welcome to the Asylum!

Riad S. Wahby rsw at jfet.org
Mon Jan 20 09:58:21 PST 2014

"J.A. Terranson" <measl at mfn.org> wrote:
> Riad Wahby is our "Curator".

And a poor one indeed :)

Lest anyone misinterpret the quotes, I assure you I do nothing of the
sort. The *only* filtering that goes on is subscriber whitelisting.

I've been subscribed to cpunks in one form or other since the early 90s,
and thinking back to those days makes the worries about SNR on the list
now seem like nothing. By my recollection it wasn't until circa 2001
that any of the distributed remailer nodes even had sender whitelisting;
even with the worst flaming the SNR now is an order of magnitude better
than what we'd get prior to Ericm's LNE.com node.


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