serialization formats [formerly: Curve p25519 Replacements for GnuPG?...]

stef s at
Sat Jan 11 14:02:45 PST 2014

On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 01:11:20PM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
> bits, etc.  A secondary goal is to support transcription by humans
> or optical character readers that are likely to make mistakes on
> some similar-looking characters, but that's much less common.  A

it might make sense to accommodate both camps by supporting the terse base85
and a format for transcription - number-station style, decimal digits in
fiver-groups. seems to be state of the art until today apparently ;)

pgp fp: FD52 DABD 5224 7F9C 63C6  3C12 FC97 D29F CA05 57EF
otr fp:

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